Union Minister Kaushalkishore gave a written reply to MP Kanakamedala's question. “On 01.09.2017, Government of Andhra Pradesh had been requested by Government of India to submit the revised proposal for the Project in line with Metro Rail Policy, 2017. No proposal has been submitted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in this regard." were the question posed according to the official statement.
According to the 2017 Metro Rail Policy, fund collection and DPRs will have to be prepared by the respective states.
The center said that the state has been asked to send a proposal in accordance with the new metro policy, but it has not been submitted so far.
The minister was replying to queries made to them asking whether it is a fact that in-spite of the request sent by Government in 2017 to the State of Andhra Pradesh to submit the revised proposal for Vijayawada Metro Rail Project in line with Metro Policy, 2017, the State Government of Andhra Pradesh had not submitted fresh proposals for Vijayawada Metro Rail Project.
The central government informed that the Andhra Pradesh government has not submitted a proposal for the Vijayawada metro rail project