Centra has issued an urgent recall for a batch of a popular fish product that was incorrectly labelled.
The alert was issued for one batch of Centra Hot Smoked BBQ Salmon on Thursday.
Food safety chiefs said the pack contained raw salmon darnes, despite the label stating that it was ‘ready to eat’.
READ MORE: All the Dunnes Stores recalls in place as several products taken off shelves over food safety fears
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland said: “Centra is recalling the above batch of Hot Smoked BBQ Salmon as it was mislabelled and incorrectly contains raw salmon darnes.
“The affected batch is not labelled with cooking instructions.
“Point-of-sale recall notices will be displayed in stores supplied with the implicated batch.”

The affected batches are 200g, have the approval number IE-DN0012-EC and a use-by date of 01/04/2022.
This recall is the latest of several issued by the FSAI this month. An earlier recall saw over a dozen Dunnes Stores products pulled from shelves.
The FSAI also warned consumers last week, urging chocolate fans to avoid the popular 'Wonka' branded bars after an influx of reports that counterfeit bars bearing the branded label have been found on the Irish market.
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