CEMETERIES across Fife are running out of space and the council must come up with a solution.
That is why, one by one, area committees are signing off on plans to cease the presale of burial lairs and reclaim lairs sold more than 50 years ago that have never been used and have no successors.
“There is a recognition that a number of cemeteries throughout Fife are nearing capacity,” Liz Murphy, bereavement services manager told area councillors last week.
There are currently 10 cemeteries where capacity will run out in less than 10 years. A further seven have less than 20 years capacity available.
The council is taking the ideas from residents themselves after a successful public consultation earlier this year.
More than 220 people across Fife took part, with 92% believing that doing nothing is not an option that the council should consider.
The key actions that emerged were to discontinue the presale of lairs to preserve capacity, and for the council to reclaim lairs that have been sold over 50 years ago with no successors available to claim the Right of Burial.
Some 51% of consultees agreed with stopping the pre-sale of lairs across all cemeteries to safeguard capacity for the future- and 71% agree that the exclusive right of burial for unused lairs should be retrieved/renewed on expiry of the lease.
The consultation also revealed a strong interest in the development of “green” burial provision; dedicated areas for the burial or dispersal of cremated remains; and an interest in increased cemetery biodiversity.
The council is in charge of 115 cemeteries across the Kingdom – half of which no longer take interments but still require to be maintained.
There are 61 sites w where there are still regular burials – 10 of which have no additional capacity. Overall, only 28 of Fife’s current cemeteries have more than 40 years capacity.
“While the demand for cremation has and continues to increase – and now accounts for around 70% of deaths in Fife – the demand for lairs in our cemeteries has remained broadly constant over recent years,” Bereavement Services said.
“We now need to replenish cemetery capacity in Fife to ensure we can meet future demand, while also making our current and any future provision as sustainable as possible.”
Part of the council’s new cemetery strategy is to develop new cemeteries where they are most needed; develop green burial projects; and expand existing cemeteries where possible.
There is £6.6 million in capital funding available over the next 10 years to accomplish those things, and additional funding has been set aside to address cemetery infrastructure.