Celebrity Race Across the World 2024 has now finished but don't worry you can still watch it and we recommend you do as it was a lot of fun!
Here's everything we know about the second celebrity spin-off from the main show, Race Across the World. At the end of the article we have included who won the series, so don't scroll to the end if you don't want to know who wins!
How to watch Celebrity Race Across the World 2024
Celebrity Race Across the World 2024 started on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 9 pm on BBC1 and BBC iPlayer. The whole series has now aired but you can watch it still on BBCiPlayer.
Celebrity Race Across the World cast
Leaving behind their lavish lifestyles this time round are TV presenter Jeff Brazier and his youngest son Freddy, Heart Radio DJ Kelly Brook and husband Jeremy, BBC Radio 2 DJ and Eurovision host Scott Mills and husband Sam, and Ted Lasso star Kola Bokinni and cousin Mary Ellen.
With no flights, smartphones and bank cards, our celebrities must navigate their way by relying on skills, cunning and ingenuity as well as the kindness of strangers.
The stars will be joined by their nearest and dearest, providing a unique insight into people we thought we knew — through the eyes of those who know them best.
The last series saw Good Morning Britain weatherman Alex Beresford and his father Noel triumph after traveling from Africa to the Arctic Circle.
Celebrity Race Across the World 2024 checkpoints and final destination

Our four celebrities and their loved ones will trek 12,500km from the Amazon rainforest of Brazil to the mountainous Andes of Chile.
Their journey begins in Belém, Northern Brazil - the gateway to the Amazon — and will pass through five checkpoints across the length of South America, to reach the finish line in the Andes, Frutillar in Southern Chile.
Celebrity Race Across the World episodes

As all of the celebrities assemble at the race starting point in the Brazilian city of Belém and set off on their epic journey, it’s clear they have different attitudes to traveling.
While Ted Lasso star Kola and his cousin Mary Ellen, opt to travel along the coast to the first race checkpoint of Canoa Quebrada, TV presenter Jeff and his son Freddy head into the wilderness.
After spending the first night at a remote farm, Jeff and Freddy board a bus for the long journey ahead, which tests their patience in more ways than one...

Episode two
The four teams must leave the beach town of Canoa Quebrada and race through the north-east region of Brazil to their second checkpoint Lençóis, the gateway to the sprawling Chapada Diamantina National Park. Kelly and Jeremy are first to leave, with just over an hour lead on their rivals.
Episode three
The third leg sees the teams racing from the cobblestoned town of Lencois in the state of Bahia to the metropolis of Sao Paulo in a 2,400km budget-busting journey through Brazil's biggest cities. Leaders Jeff and Freddy set off just over 15 hours ahead of their closest rivals and plan to commemorate Freddy's mum in Salvador. Kola and Mary Ellen struggle as they miss the last bus out of Lencois, and Kelly and Jeremy prioritize speed as they leave the checkpoint almost a day behind the front runners. Scott and Sam feel the pressure in last place and work hard to find a much-needed budget boost.
Episode four
After 16 days of traversing the length of Brazil, the teams cross the border as they travel from Sao Paulo to Tigre, which sits on the banks of the Parana River in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This next leg of their race sees the teams negotiating border crossings, new countries, different currencies and customs and switching from Portuguese to Spanish.
Episode five
In the penultimate leg of the race, the teams travel from Tigre up high in the far north of Argentina to the 10,000-year-old mountain town of Tilcara. The teams have just four days and limited budges to traverse almost half the length of Argentina. Race leaders Scott and Sam opt to take the road less traveled, feeling the pressure of their big ferry spend, while Kelly and Jeremy take the most direct route. Kola and Mary Ellen come up with a plan to stretch their budget as they're left with just 19 percent of what they had and Jeff and Freddy are determined to make up the time they've lost.
Episode six
The pressure is on with just 39 minutes between all of the teams as they face the final leg of their journey, a 2,750km race across the Andes into Chile. Race leaders Kola and Mary Ellen walk a financial tightrope with just 10 percent of their budget left while Jeff and Freddy decide to make the most of the last stretch with an Argentinian steak dinner. Scott and Sam resort to selling hot dogs to boost their budget and Kelly and Jeremy take a different route to the rest of the teams but a broken-down bus pushes them hours behind.

Is there a trailer for Celebrity Race Across the World 2024?
Yep, here you go...
Who won Celebrity Race Across the World 2024?

Radio 2 DJ Scott Mills and his husband Sam won Celebrity Race Across the World 2024.
Scott: "It's ridiculous. It's bizarre. When we were on the top of the volcano, we had a hug and a little cry. People were telling us repeatedly that we had won, but I still could not compute it. I could not get it in my head. I couldn't process it."
Sam: "When we got off the bus and ran across the bridge, we had our first instruction to get to the finish line. Scott said to me, ‘Well, there's no point running. We're last anyway’. Even at the very end of the race, we still had it in our heads that we were going to be towards the bottom. In our heads we still didn't think we were in with a chance of winning until we opened that book. It was so weird."