Whatever else may be said of her, Nicola Sturgeon has certainly had an impact. In more than 50 years of reading the Guardian, I can never recall when an item of Scottish news has exclusively occupied the first nine pages of the newspaper (16 February), let alone news about a woman. Sturgeon’s departure was also the lead in the Journal section. The travails of Labour were relegated to a strap on the bottom of the front page directing readers to page 10. Even the Scottish rugby team have never been granted such comprehensive coverage.
Alex Macleod
• I have vivid memories of a wee, dark-bobbed-haired, goth-ish girl standing outside the John McIntyre building at Glasgow University every day in the late 1980s and early 90s, handing out leaflets come rain or shine. I was pleasantly amused, but not in the least surprised, to see her ascend the ranks of Scottish politics. She is principled and decent, and has stuck to her beliefs for decades. It’s just taken the rest of the country a bit too long to catch up with her. I wish her a happy and healthy retirement should she choose to leave parliament.
Thank you for your dedication, Ms Sturgeon. Will be great to get to ditch the suits and shoes, and get back into your old DMs.
Linda MacPherson
Christchurch, New Zealand
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