RUMOURS that graffiti sprayed over the walls of Newcastle High School over the long weekend, which contained biblical references, also carried threats of violence have been quickly quashed by school principal Dr Janene Rosser.
The students behind that rumour have been reported to police, she said, and had no basis in reality.
Vandals targeted the school's Parkway Avenue campus after breaking in, spray painting black messages over a number of walls, according to a message sent to parents and carers sent out this afternoon.
The "criminals" had been caught on CCTV and the footage has been handed over to police, Ms Rosser said.
"The messages spray painted on our walls have religious connotations, and relate to Bible quotations," the message said.
The graffiti reportedly included the words 'Jesus lives' as well as bible references.
"Unfortunately this morning, we have had several students create a rumour that these graffiti messages could relate to threats of school violence, which is absolutely not grounded in any fact or substantiated by any credible threat whatsoever.
"Those students who started this rumour have been located and Police have also been informed of this incident."
Students had been offered support at a school assembly held during the afternoon, she said, and were encouraged to contact Newcastle Police with any information.
The NSW Department of Education and the school have been contacted for comment.
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