The CBI has taken over the probe into the murder of Vishwanath Nair, nephew of the Rajmata of erstwhile Kawardha princely state in Chhattisgarh. His body was found in a Kabirdham farmhouse in August last year.
The case has been re-registered following a directive from the Chhattisgarh High Court. The murder was earlier being investigated by the local police, which had apprehended five accused, including four minors. The police determined robbery as the motive. However, the victim's family raised doubts about the findings.
As alleged in the petition, there were major differences between the Rajmata and her son and she was quite close to her nephew. The Rajmata had also executed will a transferring all her property to both the daughters and the nephew. No share in the property was given to her son, who is one of the respondents.
After the Rajmata's death, it is alleged, her daughters also reposed faith in the nephew for managing and administering not only their properties but also that of the Rajmata. “This closeness of late Vishwanath Nair with Rajmata and her daughters was hurting respondent No.8 and caused anguish and hatred in his heart and before the murder of Vishwanath Nair, he (respondent No.8) threatened him with dire consequences,” it alleged.
The petitioners alleged that the police were informed about the animosity, but it was not probed. They also disputed the post-mortem report, stating that the doctor who conducted the examination opined that two weapons, a blunt-heavy object and a sharp-heavy object, were used. However, they alleged, the post-mortem report did not mention the use of a sharp weapon.
It was also alleged that the police did not properly collect the evidence. Despite repeated requests, call records of the victim had also not been retrieved.