The Bengaluru City Police have successfully extradited an individual wanted in the city for rape, criminal intimidation, cheating and other crimes from the U.A.E.
The Global Operations Centre of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) coordinated these efforts, the CBI said in a statement.
The accused, Midhun V.V. Chandran, was booked for rape, cheating and criminal intimidation at the Mahadevapura police station in 2020.
However, he had fled to the U.A.E. The CBI got Interpol to issue a red corner notice against him this January 20.
According to the police, the victim and the accused met at a private company where they worked together in 2016.
The victim, in her complaint in 2020, said that the accused befriended her and forcefully had a physical relationship with her after promising to marry her. The victim also alleged that the accused and his mother also took monetary favours from her promising marriage, but later reneged on the promise but also harassed and threatened to kill her.