The CBI has filed B report in Paresh Mesta case terming the death as accident. The CBI, in its closure report, cited post mortem and forensic reports. The B report also cites non-availability of evidence to corroborate with the accusation made in the FIR.
According to sources, the body did not have any external injuries or assault marks to indicate he was tortured and killed, as was alleged.
The case
The victim, 18-year-old Paresh Mesta, who was aligned with right-wing organisations went missing on December 6, 2017 from Honnavar town in Uttara Kannada district, a day after communal clashes broke out. Two days later, Paresh’s body was found floating in a pond near the bus stand.
Kamalakar Mesta, father of the victim, alleged in the complaint that his son was tortured and killed. Following this, BJP leaders Anant Kumar Hegde, Shobha Karandlaje and others accused the government of supporting the killers. The incident led to communal clashes in the region and a tense situation prevailed for many days.
The CBI has approached the victim’s family with updates of the investigations but the father has refused to sign the report.