Excited parents think they have worked out that Chris Hemsworth will be reading a Cbeebies Bedtime Story to their children on Friday, July 8. Earlier today, July 6, the official Cbeebies Facebook account posted the silhouette of a famous face, sending parents crazy in the comments.
Above the mysterious image, Cbeebies wrote: "You asked. We delivered.
"Can you guess who? Revealed Friday 8 July."
In the comments, sleuthing parents have been guessing who the special guest could be, with many coming to the conclusion that it's Chris Hemsworth. Victoria Johnson said: "Revealed Friday July 8th...the day Thor Love and Thunder is released.
"It's GOT to be Mr.Hemsworth....please [can] it be him..."

With some loved up emojis, Gemma Whitehurst wrote: "Chris Hemsworth. Do we win HIM if we guess right?"
Laura J Lindsay said: "Dearest God of Thunder. Finally being rewarded for all the times Bing has inexplicably p***ed me off!"
"The night everyone’s kids go to bed early if it’s Chris Hemsworth." joked Beckie Gostling.
A host of famous faces have sat down on the Cbeebies Bedtime Stories set to soothingly read a story to millions of children across the nation. In May, Harry Styles donned Gucci pyjamas as he read 'In Every House On Every Street' by Jess Hitchman.
The Duchess of Cambridge delivered the modern children's classic 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' to young children watching along at home in February. Before she read the story, Kate reflected on reading the story when she was a little girl.
The 40-year-old Duchess of Cambridge said: "Hello, my name is Catherine and tonight we're in my bedtime story den. I've chosen a story which I remember reading as a little girl, it's called 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark'."
After reading the story, Kate emphasised the meaning of it. She said: "Wow, what an encouraging tale.
"We can all feel scared sometimes just like our owl friend Plop, but as Mrs Barn Owl said, 'It's better to find out about the things that scare us before we make up our mind'. And with the help of others, we can often face things that worry us."
Cbeebies Bedtime Stories is on every evening at 6:50pm as part of the Bedtime Hour. The Bedtime story is read by a different celebrity each night.
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