Mention of the “trap-bath split” in Kirsty Major’s article on accents (Opinion, 3 November) reminds me of an incident when a posh old friend was introducing a new girlfriend to his parents. Trying to make a good impression, she adopted the long A in words such as “ba(r)ths” and “ca(r)stles”. Later, offered an extra helping of roast potatoes at dinner, she stopped all conversation by declaring: “Thank you, but no – they’ll make me fart.”
David Collins
Kidderminster, Worcestershire
• At 18, I was working away from my north-east home at a hotel in Devon. A housekeeper came into my room and asked if I had any “caps”. “No, I don’t wear caps,” I said. “You must have one… ah look, here’s one,” she said – and picked up a cup.
Alan Walker
Torrelodones, Spain
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