A cat who bears a striking resemblance to the masked vigilante Zorro has gone viral online and has left his owner in stitches with his unique look.
Indraini Wahyudin Noor, 50, has several pet cats in his home but it's the youngest of his litter that has captured the hearts of people around the world because of his uncanny resemblance to the fictional character, who was created back in 1919 by writer Johnston McCulley.
Zorro is known for wearing a black mask across his eyes, and Indraini's nine-month-old mixed Persian kitten named Boy was born with a black patch on his face that perfectly lines up with where a Zorro-esque mask would sit.

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The pet owner, from Banjarmasin, Indonesia, said: "The cat's name is Boy, but many people call him Zorro.
"I have many cats but this is the only one who has a mask on his face. He's my favourite cat! He is a very spoiled cat, he always wants to be petted, cuddled and held. He likes to play a lot but he hates being bathed each week."
Boy went viral soon after Indraini first shared pictures of the adorable kitten on social media, and the cat now has tens of thousands of views to his name.
And when social media users pointed out the clear similarities between Boy and Zorro - who has been played on the big screen by the likes of Antonio Banderas and Sir Anthony Hopkins - the cat's owner began playing along with the running joke, as he now regularly plays the Zorro theme tune for Boy.
Indraini added: "I also think he looks just like Zorro, and I think he likes regularly listening to the Zorro music.
"People who see him for the first time usually say that he's unique, cute and how he looks just like Zorro. They even call him the cat thief!
"Reactions from my subscribers are mostly cute, they want to hug him and some even want to have him!"
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