Sudden deafness should be listed as a potential side effect of COVID-19, an Adelaide nursing lecturer who suffered the condition says.
The case of University of South Australia lecturer Kim Gibson has been documented in the latest British Medical Journal.
The fully vaccinated nurse suffered a sudden sensorineural hearing loss, along with vertigo and tinnitus, in one ear five weeks after testing positive for COVID-19 last year.
She was referred to an otolaryngologist who confirmed her condition, describing it as a little-known and poorly understood side effect of the virus that was not listed on most websites nor detailed by GPs.
A course of oral prednisolone and betahistine was prescribed, and Ms Gibson's hearing slowly improved in subsequent months, although she continues to experience intermittent tinnitus.
"The evidence around the short and long-term impacts of COVID-19 and vaccines is still emerging and the aim of this paper is to highlight the lesser-known side effects of the virus," she said.
"We believe that clinicians should include sudden hearing loss as a potential side effect of COVID-19 when talking to patients.
"Hearing loss and associated symptoms can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life - they did in my case - and are closely related with anxiety and depression."
Ms Gibson said her condition meant she was unable to drive a car while experiencing severe vertigo and needed to reduce her workload despite only suffering mild virus symptoms.
"I was worried that the hearing loss would be permanent and that I would need a hearing aid," she said.
"I now feel very nervous about a second COVID-19 infection. What if I experience this again, or even worse?"
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners describes sudden sensorineural hearing loss as a condition that typically affects only one ear and occurs instantly or across a few days.
People can experience mild hearing impairment or total loss that could be temporary or permanent.
Previous studies linked the condition with COVID-19, as well as a potential side effect of COVID vaccination, but the evidence was still limited, Ms Gibson said.
"My experience shows that even people who have a minor COVID-19 infection could be at risk of potentially permanent and debilitating long-term effects," she said.