Prominent cartoonist and younger brother of playwright author Vijay Tendulkar, Mangesh Tendulkar passed away at a private hospital in Pune at wee hours on Tuesday. He was recently under treatment of Dr Shimpi for urinary bladder. He was 82.
Tendulkar was known for his comments on various social issues through his cartoons. But he was known mostly for his series on traffic rules. He would often be seen at Nal Stop on Karve Road, distributing postcards with a message to follow traffic rules. He has been undertaking this social work for the past 17 years.
Every three months, he would hold an exhibition of his cartoons which would always have new ten cartoons to look out. Mangesh Tendulkar is survived by son Mahesh and daughter Vandana. His body will be taken to Vaikunth at 1 pm.