Carole Baskin exposed a phone call between Allen Glover and a friend named Ashley in a conversation in a plan to kill Joe Exotic.

Glover was the hitman that allegedly Exotic hired to carry out the assassination on Baskin and was paid $3,000 to travel down to Tampa, Florida.
Baskin appeared on the Netflix documentary “Tiger King: Murder Mayhem, and Madness” as the rival to Exotic, whose legal name is Joseph Allen Maldonado.
Tiger King appeared for two seasons prior to the spin-off of the Doc Antle documentary.
She posted the phone conversation on her YouTube channel that details Glover’s plan to commit the hit on the Tiger King.
Glover stated that him and Jeff Lowe, the man who invested in Joe Exotic’s Zoo, were going to kill the Tiger King by strangling him with an extension cord.
He admitted to perjury to a grand jury in Oklahoma for carrying out the hit on Baskin in a testimony at John M. Phillips’ office, the attorney who represents Exotic.
The phone call that Baskin posted was over 20 minutes long.
Glover had stated that he had to go to Oklahoma dig up evidence that would send him and Lowe to prison. He was going with Exotic’s lawyers in Texas and Rebecca Chaklin, who was the producer for the Tiger King series.
The evidence that is buried was not specified by either Glover or Baskin in the YouTube video.
“I go Joe’s lawyers and Rebecca picking me up tomorrow, and then we’re going to Dallas and then Oklahoma,” said Glover in a phone call. “I lied. I lied to the Federal court. I lied to a lot of people just to keep Jeff out of trouble.”
Exotic was previously known was Joseph Maldonado-Passage at the time of his conviction when he was married to his then-husband, Dillon Passage. He has dropped the last name Passage since his divorce.
He is currently serving a 21-year sentence for the violations of the Lacey Act, violation of harming the wildlife and animals, and the murder-for-hire count. His original sentencing was 22-years as his sentencing was reduced by a year.
Glover had claimed to Netflix and Exotic’s lawyers that he was on the Tiger King’s side over his conviction.
“Two be in prison right now. That is me and Jeff,” said Glover admitting to his wrongdoing over the perjury in his testimony. “Jeff and I should be in prison with Joe.”
Glover had previously claimed that he was planning to take $3,000 and run, but state he never intended to harm Baskin.
He wanted to financially drain Exotic because he “hated him.”