Whether you've recently bought your motor or have a car that's been on the road for years, you'll want to keep it looking as fresh as possible. But you may be ruining the paintwork in pursuit of your vehicle looking in tip-top condition.
While the cost of living crisis rumbles on, many more people will be choosing to wash their cars at home to save money, but experts have revealed there are things that should be avoided when trying to make your car look spick and span - despite some being recommended on social media.
Car experts at Leasing Options have revealed common mistakes that people make when washing their car, and it's bad news if you turn to cleaning products from your kitchen or bathroom cupboard.

If you're using washing-up liquid, or shaving foam, you may want to reconsider the products you're opting for.
Mike Thompson, Chief Operating Officer at Leasing Options said: "There's no better time to rid your car of winter dirt than at the start of spring. However, it's important to be aware of common practices that could be either reducing the effectiveness of your cleaning or worse, damage your vehicle's paintwork."
Did you know that washing-up liquid can 'eat away' at your car wax? The cleaning method seems innocent enough, but it could end in disaster.
The expert explained: "Degreasing dishwashing products are designed to strip food and stubborn oils from your kitchen crockery to get them clean, so it's no wonder that you may think dishwashing products like Fairy Liquid would be perfect for washing your vehicle."
The pros warn that consistent use of dish soap when washing your car can eat away at the wax that protects the clear coat. Car wax contains oily substances which the dish soap can wear away, just like it does oil and butter on kitchen utensils.
They warned: "After multiple uses of dish soap as a car wash solution, your car will likely no longer retain its glossy, water-beading finish."
If you're using shaving foam to freshen up your motor, it's also bad news, as it can cause discolouration on car upholstery, despite its popularity on social media.
The experts stated that shaving foams are not formulated to be used on materials and contain oils that could cause discoloration when coming into contact with the fabric. Instead, opt for an auto upholstery cleaner.
Have you taken to cleaning your car at home? Let us know in the comments.