So, this government will cap social housing rents (Report, 31 August), but when Ted Heath froze rents in the face of rising inflation in 1972, he also included private rents. As a quarter of Conservative MPs are now private landlords, I suppose that was never going to happen.
Sheila Spooner
Enfield, London
• Jess Cartner-Morley says that autumn 2022’s trends will be clothes you will still love in 2027 (The key fashion pieces right now? Clothes you’ll want to still wear (or sell on) in five years’ time, 29 August). I suspect the main trend will be warm clothes.
Pete Bibby
• Among the clothes in my wardrobe that I’ll still love in 2027 will be the Italian knit two-piece I bought 30 years ago, which is still regularly admired. Growing up in the war, we learned how to choose classic styles and look after them.
Hilary Pollard
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
• In Penzance, the trend-setting coastal grandmothers (Letters, 30 August) have painted toenails, flip-flops, and a voluminous dry robe to be cast aside as they plunge into the sea off Battery Rocks.
Vicki Morley
Penzance, Cornwall
• Will the Daily Express journalists who go on strike (Report, 30 August) be obliged to write news stories criticising themselves, their union and their “selfish behaviour”?
Phil Coughlin
Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear
• The clue “penmanship” (Quick crossword, 29 August) had me worried that the only writing I do is my shopping list and birthday cards. Would anyone out there like a handwritten letter?
Helen Evans
Ruthin, Denbighshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.