It’s not unlikely to come across a coworker who feels better than you just because their position is a step above yours. It can be quite infuriating when they’re doing something wrong and completely dismiss your opinion, even getting you in trouble if you try to argue with them.
However, every once in a while, the tables turn. As one Redditor shared, their coworker got them in trouble for a dumb reason in their previous job a few years ago, then applied to a workplace where they’re a manager, and now it was time for some sweet petty revenge. Scroll down for the full story!
More info: Reddit
Some people don’t realize that just because you’re higher-ranking than some of your coworkers, it doesn’t give you the right to treat them poorly

Image credits: Resume Genius (not the actual photo)
A nurse manager got a job application from a woman he used to work with who had gotten him in trouble for a professional disagreement

Image credits: Cedric Fauntleroy (not the actual photo)
He didn’t realize who she was initially, but her approach and a quick background check made him dismiss her application almost immediately

Image credits: kenan zhang (not the actual photo)
When he found out who she was, the man called his old boss, who told him the woman was fired for throwing her badge at him

Image credits: Professional_Elk1845
The man ordered the application get shredded, and the woman kept persistently calling but received no reply
The OP worked as a nurse manager at a hospital when he got a call from a lady who introduced herself as Bianca. She asked if they were hiring and whether she could come and leave her resume, to which the manager replied that she should apply online, and he gave her the link.
The poster checked out the resume and thought that her real name sounded familiar to him but rejected her without thinking about it further, as he found some red flags about her license, too. The following day, the woman came in wanting to talk, but when she didn’t get a chance, she left her resume despite being told not to do so.
This time, when the OP took a closer look at the woman’s application, he realized that it was the same coworker who got him in trouble at his previous job a few years prior when they had a disagreement over how to take a child’s temperature.
Having figured it out, the nurse manager called his old boss to confirm the suspicion. His old boss told him that not only was this the same woman, but she also was fired from that job years ago for throwing her badge at him. Hearing this was enough for the poster to tell the desk clerk to shred the resume, and when the next call from Bianca came, he did not reply.
There were all sorts of comments below the post. Most people were amused by the situation and commended the OP for doing what he did while also advising on how to better deal with these situations in the future. Others were questioning whether the OP was really correct on his conflict with the said nurse as she might’ve known better after all, to which the poster replied with explanations, clarifying the matter.

Image credits: James West (not the actual photo)
As some commenters pointed out, someone as persistent as Bianca would not just give up that easily, and so we became very curious about how this story really tied up in the end. To get those additional details, Bored Panda reached out to Professional_Elk1845, who was happy to provide us with answers.
“I did not expect this many people to see my post. The first day, I was kinda excited, and it was a little thrilling to have all these reactions,” shared the OP, expressing his surprise about the amount of attention his story got and adding that there were details he left out that he didn’t think mattered too much.
The man explained that when the woman first called, she lied about the website not working, most likely wanting to skip that step and speak to the manager directly, ignoring his busyness. When, after being told to do so, she finally applied again, the poster looked up her record and found even more interesting stuff.
“I noticed she got banned from working in another state in the late 2000s before I even knew her. She called in the wrong medication for the patient, and they had an allergic reaction. Her licenses were revoked in that state,” said the OP, explaining that this was enough for him to reject her application even though he didn’t know who she was yet. Still, whenever she said her name was Bianca instead of her real name, he did get a familiar feeling.
After being rejected, the woman kept calling multiple times daily, asking for the poster. He knew he had to reject her eventually and was doubtful that she remembered him from the previous job as they didn’t interact much then, so he decided not to reveal himself and do it professionally.
The OP eventually called her and made the rejection official, telling her she wasn’t a good fit. When the woman inquired about why this was, the man explained to her that he had talked to her previous employer and that it was best not to reveal any additional details, thus ending this nuisance and sending the woman on her way.
In the end, this story is a perfect example of how karma sometimes comes back to bite you. And when we think about this exact situation, it’s wise to remember that while some of us might be higher-ranking than others, at the end of the day, we’re all equal human beings. Thus, we should treat each other accordingly.
What did you think of this story? How would you have acted in the OP’s place? Tell us all about it in the comments below!
The commenters agreed with the poster’s actions, giving him additional advice on how to deal with situations like this