Several Canberra public servants, both federal and ACT, have been recognised in the 2024 Australia Day honours awards.
We've collected the citations for the federal and ACT public servants recognised. See how many you recognise, either through their names or the amazing work they have been doing.
The recognition ranges from department secretaries, to more junior public servants.

Many, especially in the ACT public service, have been recognised for their roles during the COVID pandemic.
Each entry below includes the citation, outlining why they are being recognised in the 2024 Australia Day honours.
This list includes those honoured with medals for Fire Service, Emergency Services, Corrections and Intelligence.
Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the General Division
Mr Gregory Lawrence Moriarty, ACT

For distinguished service to public administration in leadership roles, particularly in national and international security.
Department of Defence
- Secretary, since 2017.
- Analyst, 1986-1995.
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Commonwealth Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, 2015-2016.
- Former International and National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister.
- Former Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Deputy Secretary, 2014-2015.
- Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, 2010-2014.
- First Assistant Secretary, Consular Public Diplomacy and Parliamentary Affairs Division, 2009-2010.
- Assistant Secretary, Parliamentary and Media Branch, 2008-2009.
- Australian Ambassador to Iran, 2005-2008.
- Deputy Leader and Senior Negotiator, Peace Monitoring Group on Bougainville, 1998.
Australian Defence Force
- Member, Army Reserves, 1983-1995.
Awards and Recognition include:
- Service medals including Australian Active Service Medal with Clasp KUWAIT.
Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the General Division
Her Excellency Ms Harinder Kaur Sidhu, ACT

For significant service to public administration, and to foreign affairs.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- High Commissioner to New Zealand, since 2022.
- Deputy Secretary, Service Delivery Group, 2020-2022.
- High Commissioner to India and Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2016-2020.
- Head, Multilateral Policy Division, 2013-2015.
Public service
- Division Head, Department of Climate Change, 2008-2013.
- Assistant Director-General, Office of National Assessments, 2004-2008.
- Senior Economic and Defence Adviser roles, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 1998-2004.
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Federal Public Service Medal (PSM)
Ms Elizabeth Jane Baxter, NSW
For outstanding public service to organisational capability and culture at Australian Skills Quality Authority.
Ms Elizabeth Baxter played a vital role in helping to shape the Australian Skills Quality Authority's (ASQA) positive, high-performance culture. As a smaller Australian Public Service agency, her exemplary work across a broad range of corporate, policy and program areas has made a significant difference to the performance and efficiency of ASQA during a transformational period for Vocation Education and Training (VET) in Australia.
Under Ms Baxter's leadership, ASQA has achieved major milestones such as leading the development and implementation of ASQA's Reconciliation Action Plan, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, Flexible Work Arrangement Policy, and Workforce and Capability Plans. These created an inclusive, supportive and productive work environment, which openly and actively celebrates diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.
Ms Baxter led ASQA in developing and launching the Gender Affirmation Guide, which was shared with other Australian Public Service agencies and networks and was considered by the Australian Public Service Commission for inclusion as a case study titled 'Progressing diversity and inclusion across the Australian Public Service' in the 2021-22 State of the Service Report.
Ms Baxter is a natural leader and a selfless achiever, serving the agency and the public beyond the normal requirements of her position with integrity. Ms Baxter is consistently commended by her peers, staff at all levels and by senior executive service officers for her collaborative approach, her delivery of outcomes, and her openness and integrity in managing sensitive and difficult matters.
Dr John Harold Dawson, Ainslie ACT 2602

For outstanding public service to government, industry and the community to improve social, environmental and economic outcomes for Australia.
Between 2017 and 2022, Dr John Dawson initiated and led the establishment of SouthPAN position system, the biggest Australian civil space program to date and the first Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) in the southern hemisphere.
SouthPAN improves safety on mining and construction sites, helps save lives during natural disasters and land aircrafts in adverse conditions. It is also vital for increasing efficiency and sustainability in framing practices, transport and shipping and is expected to benefit the Australian economy by $6.2 billion over 30 years.
Through Dr Dawson's leadership, vision and commitment to excellence, Australian industry, communities and academia have access to accurate real-time positioning data. The Positioning Australia program, as developed through Dr Dawson's leadership, is transforming Australians' access to competitive high-quality positioning, expanding Australia's innovation and export opportunities.
Dr Dawson's efforts throughout his career, have contributed to significant advancement and development of precise point positioning infrastructure for Australia and New Zealand through his exceptional leadership, technical expertise, his strong commitment, vision and persistence.
Mr Nicholas John Housego, Pearce ACT 2607

For outstanding public service in developing and embedding the practice of facilitation services within government departments and agencies.
Mr Nicholas Housego established the Government Facilitation Community of Practice (CoP), a cross government group, which has grown to host over 400 individuals across departments and agencies in all levels of government. Through establishing the CoP, Mr Housego delivered a new capability within the Australian Public Service (APS) that achieves co-designed outcomes and builds true partnerships between the APS and non-government stakeholders.
Mr Housego has facilitated hundreds of workshops with stakeholders, both internal and external organisations. Mr Housego has a reputation for building long lasting relationships and embedded the practice of engaging in a different way, working towards shared and agreed actions and outcomes. Mr Housego deeply understands the importance of facilitation as critical for the success of co-designed programs and outcomes for the success of the APS.
Workshops facilitated by Mr Housego have directly impacted the delivery of successful policy, program, regulation and internal governance projects, with specific reference to biosecurity investment in Northern Australia.
Mr Housego's impressive contribution and length of service makes him one of the APS's most respected specialist facilitators. His service has contributed significantly to delivering strategic priorities and innovative achievements through his dedication to building facilitation capability across the APS.
Dr Andrew Kenneth Johnson, QLD
For outstanding public service through leadership in developing and stewarding Australia's capability in the environmental and physical sciences.
Dr Andrew Johnson has implemented and overseen several major enterprise transformation programs, including bringing together the uplift of the security, stability and resilience of the Bureau of Meteorology's (Bureau) information and communications technology (ICT) systems and observing network through the ROBUST Program.
Dr Johnson has worked hard to ensure the Bureau's ICT system is maintained at a world class level to deliver its services of wide-ranging technology transformation of weather, climate and water services through mobile phone applications for Australians and for Bureau clients such as the aviation industry and defence.
Due to Dr Johnson's high-calibre leadership capabilities, the Bureau secured an ongoing increase in base funding to sustain capabilities realised through the ROBUST Program. Through his leadership, professionalism and expertise, Dr Johnson was key to restoring trust and credibility of the Bureau.
Dr Johnson has provided outstanding service and leadership in climate modelling, world leading weather prediction, water and oceans services, emergency management and innovation in provision of public information to Australia.
With his lifelong commitment to science, operational excellence and developing the leaders of tomorrow, Dr Johnson has been a champion for diversity and for developing his staff and ensuring it is a culturally high-performing institution. Dr Johnson has led his team to truly deliver on its vision, strategy and values to build an agency that is trusted nationally and respected globally.
Ms Amanda Lee, ACT
For outstanding public service in leadership and professionalism in the development and delivery of the Commonwealth budgets and fiscal policy.
Ms Amanda Lee has excelled in the difficult and dynamic role leading Budget Policy and Coordination Division and has been critical in the development and delivery of numerous Commonwealth Budgets and associated updates.
Ms Lee's expertise, work ethic and commitment to work collegiately across the Australian Public Service (APS) was particularly relied upon as the Australian Government navigated though the crisis response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to the usual Budget and Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook updates, this period also required delivery of the July 2020 Economic and Fiscal Update, the October 2020 Budget, the 2022 Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook and out-of-session Budget updates. Through working under extreme circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic and navigating uncertainty, Ms Lee led her team in an exemplary fashion during this period in providing advice to government which was instrumental in preventing an economic disaster for Australian households and businesses.
Ms Lee has always quickly secured and held the confidence of Ministers, resulting in her ability to effectively influence decision-making on government expenditure and non-taxation revenue matters.
Ms Lee is widely respected for her expert advice, guidance and support for successive governments to enable them to deliver on their budget and fiscal policy objectives. Ms Lee's reputation in supporting her staff during extremely difficult and busy times is testament to her leadership. Her expertise and highest degree of professionalism is indicative of the integral role she has played in advising and supporting government in managing the budget process.
Ms Chantelle Stratford, ACT

For outstanding public service in leadership and innovation in gender equality and women's policy within the Australian Government.
Ms Chantelle Stratford has been a driving force behind a range of significant national policy and reforms in gender equality and women's safety. This includes work under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, the Women and Women's Safety Ministerial Council, COVID-19 family violence responses and the 1800RESPECT national domestic violence service. She has led complex and sensitive policy reforms, contributing significantly to putting women at the centre of the economic and social policy agenda.
The past year alone, Ms Stratford has led work to introduce new laws that will see employers publish gender pay gaps - a world class reform to drive transparency and action towards closing the gender pay gap. She has been at the forefront of major economic reforms for women through the Budget and introduced Australia's first gender budgeting system - embedding gender impact analysis across all new policy proposals, in addition to finalising the process of Australia's first ever National Gender Equality Strategy, that will guide whole of community action to help make Australia one of the best countries in the world for equality.
Ms Stratford was elected as the global chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy for 2023 and 2024 and has confidently advocated for women's rights at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, OECD Gender Budgeting Network and other global fora over many years.
Ms Stratford has also contributed to non-government organisations, through board and committee appointments, and her work leading large scale reforms to modernise Victorian community services as part of their response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.
Ms Stratford is an inspiration to all who work alongside her. She is a visionary leader and a tireless advocate for women's rights who has gone above and beyond in her work to achieve gender equality and support women's empowerment.
Read more about Ms Stratford here.
Ms Gemma Van Halderen, Turner ACT 2612

For outstanding public service in delivering significant statistical developments for better use of data for public policy purposes, both in Australia and internationally.
Ms Gemma Van Halderen led the Commonwealth Government's response to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Data Availability and Use. This work aimed to improve the sharing of public data in a way that was secure and respected privacy. Ms Van Halderen's work culminated in the Data Availability and Transparency Act (DATA) 2022, and the setting up of the Office of the National Data Commissioner, whose role is to oversee a new regime of enhanced public-sector data sharing.
Ms Van Halderen was also extensively involved in establishing Australian Bureau of Statistics environmental statistics and accounts, including the development of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA) which integrate environmental accounts with longstanding economic accounts.
In particular, Ms Van Halderen's leadership and contribution in the fields of place-based and environmental statistics, and data integration and access, have provided new rich information sources and powerful tools for examining complex public policy issues critical to Australia's future wellbeing.
Ms Van Halderen's leadership and expertise is also acknowledged internationally, where she has influenced the development of international standards and practices in the fields of geospatial and statistical integration and environmental accounting. Ms Van Halderen is known for her commitment to nurturing and developing early career statisticians and data professionals and developing future leaders while repeatedly demonstrating outstanding public service.
Ms Sally-Anne Vincent

For outstanding public service in contributing to the safety of Australians, security of missions and protection of bilateral relationships through difficult environments and overseas crises.
Ms Sally-Anne Vincent has managed a series of complex political and humanitarian crises during her role as deputy high commissioner to Solomon Islands.
In the first month of her posting, she was lead coordinator of Australia's response to a significant man-made oil spill close to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site at Rennell Island. Ms Vincent travelled to this remote area, while facing environmental ruin and serious health risks and coordinated the incoming Crises Response Team and other whole-of-government support from Australia.
Ms Vincent was the Government's main focal point as acting high commissioner during civil unrest in Honiara in November 2021, where she managed fast moving and complex issues relating to Australia's support to restore calm, while ensuring the safety of all Australians in Solomon Islands. Due to Ms Vincent's efforts, Australia was able to deploy personnel and logistical assistance within 24 hours, which is exemplary of her hard-earned work on building Australia's relationship with the Solomon Islands Government.
Her commitment in times of crisis has continued during her time in Solomon Islands where she has acted as high commissioner for extended periods of time, and at times of adversity and crisis, including periods of civil unrest, a major earthquake and an extended period of severe COVID-19 restrictions. Ms Vincent's career has been marked by dedication to protecting Australia's vital interests in tough foreign environments and distinguished by multiple instances of courageous and remarkable service in tumultuous circumstances.
Australian Capital Territory Public Service Medal (PSM)
Ms Kareena Arthy, ACT

For outstanding public service to economic development and recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In her role as Deputy Director-General, Economic Development, Ms Kareena Arthy was responsible for providing relief and assistance to the ACT business community during the COVID-19 pandemic. She gave assistance through the development of support packages, such as grant programs and hardship schemes, as well as extensions on fee waivers in the hospitality industry.
Ms Arthy addressed the needs of the ACT community through targeted assistance to Canberra businesses through the delivery of policy, programs and funding. While providing support during the pandemic, Ms Arthy was also ensuring a full recovery post-pandemic by development of new key strengths such as cyber, space and quantum industries.
Ms Arthy leads with integrity and commitment, and her work during the ACT's COVID-19 response played a critical role in ensuring the ACT community were protected and supported. She was instrumental to the rapid recovery of the economy and industry sectors following the pandemic.
Ms Fiona Barbaro, Campbell ACT 2612

For outstanding public service to the ACT Government's COVID-19 vaccination program.
Ms Fiona Barbaro led the ACT Government's rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination program. The vaccination program ensured access to COVID-19 vaccinations for all Canberrans, with a particular focus on people with access and sensory needs and those who face barriers to accessing mainstream healthcare.
Under Ms Barbaro's leadership, the ACT COVID-19 vaccination program pioneered innovative approaches to promote and improve vaccine coverage in people struggling to access mass vaccination clinics. For example, she led the development and implementation of the Access and Sensory Vaccination Clinic in May 2021, which was established as a specialised vaccination service for people with disability, their carers and family members, people with mental health conditions, people who needed additional sensory support and those experiencing barriers to mainstream service delivery.
Ms Barbaro also led the Equity to Access Program. This program ensured equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for groups likely to experience a disproportionate burden of disease, by applying principles of inclusive and transparent service delivery. Ms Barbaro led her team to partner with community groups and service providers to deliver in-reach vaccination clinics and pop-up vaccination clinics at a range of locations across the ACT.
As of 30 June 2022, the ACT was one of the most vaccinated jurisdictions in the world with more than 97 per cent of eligible people (aged 5 years and over) receiving two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. This result was due to a large team of dedicated staff and volunteers across the ACT Government and the community. Ms Barbaro provided exceptional leadership to this team, inspiring and coordinating innovative and highly successful programs. Her leadership was integral to the success of the ACT vaccination program and is an outstanding example of public service under challenging circumstances.
Ms Natalie Jayne Cooper, Bungendore NSW 2621

For outstanding public service in communications for the ACT Government's COVID-19 vaccination program.
Ms Natalie Cooper led the communications activities for the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccination program for the ACT, and later led the COVID-19 Communications team, following the stand down of the Public Information Coordination Centre. Ms Cooper worked closely with the ACT Health Directorate, the COVID-19 Response team, whole of government and with non-government stakeholders.
As part of the COVID-19 Executive team, Ms Cooper engaged and worked with ACT Government Directorates and their Communication and Media teams, to ensure there was awareness, understanding, support and alignment in the communication and media activities that were implemented across government.
Ms Cooper managed and led key activities for the COVID-19 response, including strategic information campaigns, management of media responses, talking points and news articles, management of social media channels and web content.
Ms Cooper worked to develop innovative ways to support communications for the COVID-19 vaccination roll out. She did this while leading her team in a positive, empathetic and nurturing way. It was this management style that saw the Communications team consistently deliver excellent initiatives, under immense pressure and within extremely tight timeframes.
Ms Cooper's work was instrumental in the ACT Government's delivery of a successful response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The innovative and positive communications activities led by Ms Cooper meant that the community remained engaged, even as COVID fatigue had begun to set in. Ms Cooper's leadership skills, her ability to think strategically and her commitment to continuous improvement resulted in a highly successful communications approach for the pandemic.
Mr Rodney Dix, Wamboin NSW 2620
For outstanding public service to environmental protection services across the ACT.
For over twenty years, Mr Rodney Dix has led the small Environment Protection Team within the broader Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in Access Canberra. The team responds to environmental incidents at all scales, from noise and wood-smoke complaints to major pollution incidents such as the 2022 Boxing Day fire at the ACT Materials Recovery Facility and large chemical spills.
His leadership ensures that Access Canberra and EPA accountability and compliance frameworks are upheld, with all parties treated with respect, and educational approaches used before any regulatory action. This enables negotiated solutions to be found in most cases.
Mr Dix has excelled in customer service while delivering environmental outcomes for the community. He has also provided leadership for excellent service delivery, leading innovations for more efficient processes and instilling a safety culture to prevent harm. Where serious environmental harm occurs, Mr Dix and his team protect people and property while preventing contamination of waters, land and air while working with other emergency services. Under his leadership, the team's work health and safety record is excellent despite the inherently hazardous nature of these emergency responses.
The impact of Mr Dix's contribution is evidenced in environmental harm that is prevented from occurring, and therefore does not result in further complaints or instances of environmental harm. He also plays a key role in issuing environmental authorisations to manage noise at Canberra's major events, which enables Canberra's rich cultural life to continue.
Ms Karen Elizabeth Doran, ACT
For outstanding public service to community safety through leadership, policy advice and program administration.
Ms Karen Doran is an outstanding leader in community safety policy and program administration, providing stewardship to the ACT's emergency services capability and corrections system.
Ms Doran played a pivotal role in supporting ministers and operational response leaders during the 2019-20 bushfire season, including the state of alert and state of emergency periods in which risk to the ACT community was at its highest. Ms Doran's leadership, intellectual rigour and ability to connect the right parts of government at the right time formed an essential component of the work to support the ACT's operational response.
Ms Doran's expertise was again called upon at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as an incident controller of the ACT Government's non-health response. In that role Ms Doran provided a vital link between the health response and whole of government efforts to respond to the initial phases of the pandemic. Ms Doran laid the groundwork for the ACT Government's longer term non-health response mechanisms.
Outside of times of crisis, Ms Doran has astutely guided efforts to ensure that ACT emergency responders and the ACT corrections systems have the policy support, resources and infrastructure to deliver community safety outcomes for the people of the ACT. Ms Doran's efforts have delivered outstanding results in community safety infrastructure development and strategic infrastructure planning for the future.
Ms Emma May Gowling, NSW
For outstanding public service to the Office of the COVID-19 Local Business Commissioner for the ACT.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms Emma Gowling established and managed the Office of the COVID-19 Local Business Commissioner (LBC) for the ACT. The Office was established to support the COVID-19 Local Business Commissioner who was charged with supporting Canberra businesses during the pandemic, particularly in mediating between landlords and tenants over rental issues. Over the life of the LBC Ms Gowling established and ran the Office, maintained records and information collected, triaged the contacts received, conducted mediations, assisted the Commissioner with more complex cases, and provided pastoral care to many of those who contacted the LBC.
Ms Gowling excelled in the promptness of her response to more than 1,500 clients, the accuracy of the advice given, the manner in which she conducted the mediations and through the compassion and caring shown to those who needed it. Her leadership in working with individuals, businesses, industry associations, committees and her ACT public service colleagues resulted in excellent and timely service to the business community, as well as important information being supplied to industry and government.
The impact of Ms Gowling's work can be seen in number of successful agreements struck, giving relief and certainty to the parties involved. Ms Gowling's inciteful summaries and suggestions back into Government, and to industry associations, enabled strategies to be developed and/or modified. In an individual sense, her greatest work was caring for individuals at a time of immense pressure.
Mr Michael Hatswell

For outstanding public service to public education as the principal of Evatt Primary School.
Mr Michael Hatswell goes above and beyond in the role of a school principal at Evatt Primary School, He achieves this by leading the school in improving student outcomes through the delivery of rigorous, high impact learning programs, whilst advocating for the individual needs of all students.
Mr Hatswell is child-centred, promoting a positive school culture of inclusiveness. He invests time and energy in his staff and students that is to a depth rarely seen in the busyness of his role. He supports student engagement, with a holistic view of their wellbeing needs, including those students who may need extra support with food, attendance, and physical and mental health, so that they are in the best space for learning. He regularly advocates for those who need it, ensuring that all students and families receive what they need.
Mr Hatswell's leadership style inspires teachers, educators, and support staff, whether they are new to the profession, or have had years of experience. He displays a strategic and effective problem-solving approach whilst encouraging all to collaborate to achieve the best in all areas of learning and wellbeing.
Mr Hatswell believes in the importance of strong partnerships, working together with staff, students and families to create a united community. He knows the important role that schools play and has ensured that Evatt Primary is at the centre of the community.
He has developed meaningful relationships with organisations, businesses and service providers with the common goal of improving outcomes for the community. He actively listens to students and staff and ensures that everyone feels part of the school community. Mr Hatswell wants school to be a place where students love to learn, play and connect.
Mr Jonathan Kobus, ACT

For outstanding public service to the Canberra and region tourism industry through the COVID-19 pandemic.
As Executive Branch Manager, VisitCanberra, Mr Jonathan Kobus was instrumental in leading the visitor economy through the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Kobus expanded VisitCanberra's capability to better support industry in recovery and growth, including grant programs to support local tourism businesses and training to uplift industry capability.
Mr Kobus led the development of the Framework for Recovery of the Visitor Economy, a pathway forward for government and industry to work together to focus activity in the areas that would make the biggest difference. Mr Kobus led the way for industry recovery, engaging with industry and clearly articulating a way forward during a time of crisis. Further, Mr Kobus worked closely with Canberra International Airport to re-establish direct flights to every capital city, as well as new routes and new carriers that have not previously operated in Canberra.
Mr Kobus's efforts in aiding the Canberra and region tourism industry during, and following, the COVID-19 pandemic was outstanding. His exceptional leadership and strategic thinking were instrumental for the support of local tourism businesses and the ACT visitor economy. He has set a new precedent for a united and collaborative tourism industry in Canberra and the region.
Mr Victor Hugo Martin, ACT
For outstanding public service in managing the COVID-19 Proactive Compliance Inspection Program for the ACT's COVID-19 response.
Mr Victor Martin provided exceptional leadership in his role managing the COVID-19 Proactive Compliance Inspection Program for the COVID-19 response. The Program ensured that businesses and organisations complied with the public health directions that were in place, and supported businesses to develop measures that minimised the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Mr Martin's strategic approach to the Compliance Program saw a strong focus on engagement and education, rather than an enforcement compliance approach. Businesses and organisations relied heavily on compliance officers who worked tirelessly to engage and advise businesses during a period of constant change and immense uncertainty. The Program was highly effective and positive, with many businesses able to comply with the public health restrictions.
Mr Martin was instrumental in leading the development of key legislation that supported a step-down approach for the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency to a COVID-19 Management Declaration framework. He worked collaboratively and respectfully with key stakeholders to manage all interests in a strategic and productive way. Which created alternative options to managing the COVID-19 pandemic outside of a public health emergency.
Mr Martin's work was instrumental in the ACT Government's delivery of a successful response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The innovative and positive approach to compliance activities led by Mr Martin meant that business and organisations remained engaged. His leadership and ability to engage constructively with critical stakeholders was instrumental in supporting a successful response to the pandemic.
Ms Jenny Anne Priest, Pearce ACT 2607

For outstanding public service in leading the delivery of Business Support Grants to businesses in the ACT impacted by COVID-19.
As executive branch manager for the delivery of the Business Support Grants, Ms Jenny Priest was tasked with developing processes, building a team, and managing the delivery of the grant program. Through her actions local businesses received much needed and timely assistance during the pandemic.
The program design and implementation ensured funding went to businesses in need, processes were fair and transparent, and timeframes were managed effectively, limiting impact on individuals, businesses and across government. Ms Priest ensured the health and wellbeing of her staff remained paramount, while managing competing demands of more than 11,000 businesses requesting assistance.
Ms Priest also led a multi-year project to establish a new University of New South Wales (UNSW) campus in Canberra. She coordinated across ACT Government, oversaw planning and governance arrangements, led negotiations with UNSW and undertook the necessary activities to provide high quality advice to government.
Ms Priest displayed the highest levels of leadership, integrity and commitment for her work during COVID-19 and ensured the needs of local businesses and the ACT Government were met. Ms Priest played a direct contributing role to the ACT Government's COVID-19 response and success.
Ms Charmaine Smith, ACT

For outstanding public service to the ACT Government's COVID-19 vaccination program.
As the executive branch manager for the ACT COVID-19 vaccination program, Ms Charmaine Smith provided exemplary service through her leadership of a diverse and dynamic program. Under her leadership, the Vaccination Program achieved world-leading results.
Ms Smith's contribution to the program focused on leadership in the areas of data, reporting, and policy. She led the translation of Commonwealth policy and guidance from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) into the ACT context. Ms Smith represented the ACT on the Commonwealth's Operation COVID-Shield and to the COVID-19 Vaccine Program Managers Group.
Ms Smith led timely and effective communication and engagement with the community and stakeholders. Throughout, she was a positive, productive and compassionate leader of her teams. She modelled respect, integrity and empathy, guiding her teams through stressful circumstances with compassion and commitment. Ms Smith led the development and implementation of public health directions related to vaccines, including those requiring that certain workers be vaccinated against COVID-19. These mandates were imposed to help prevent COVID-19 transmission to vulnerable persons in the ACT by requiring that certain healthcare, education, early childhood education and care, disability and aged care workers be vaccinated.
As of 30 June 2022, the ACT was one of the most highly vaccinated jurisdictions in the world with more than 97 per cent of eligible people aged 5 years and over receiving two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. This result was due to a large team of dedicated staff and volunteers across Government and community. Ms Smith provided exceptional service through her leadership to this team. Her leadership engendered a culture of excellence, while remaining compassionate and person-centred.
Ms Susan Ruth Vroombout, Curtin ACT 2605
For outstanding public service as the Deputy Under Treasurer in the ACT Treasury during COVID-19.
Ms Susan Vroombout has demonstrated exemplary public service throughout her career, both in the Commonwealth and ACT Public Service. Her leadership in negotiating with the Commonwealth Government to provide support that was complementary to ACT Government efforts and of the greatest impact to Canberrans during the COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies her commitment to excellence in public service and her ability to deliver results in the interests of the public.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms Vroombout developed and implemented solutions to economic and financial problems that the ACT Government does not normally face. She played a key role in developing programs to assist households and businesses to stay afloat. This required that she lead novel, collaborative approaches to policy development, developing solutions in timeframes that normally wouldn't be considered, and working lengthy hours to ensure these programs were implemented.
Without Ms Vroombout's efforts the funds would not have been as well directed and would have been less effective in helping businesses and households in the ACT weather the impacts of COVID-19. To this end, the delivery of the COVID-19 Business Support Grants and the Small Business Hardship Scheme, in addition to various revenue measures to support the ACT economy could not have been achieved with the timeliness, efficacy and effect during the pandemic without her leadership.
Ms Vroombout demonstrated exemplary standards of leadership during this period. While her commitment to strong leadership has been a feature of her career, it was her execution of this standard during COVID-19 that helped ensure her unique contribution. The direct impact of this was the delivery of financial support measures to households and businesses in the ACT, without which, many Canberrans would have suffered further hardship.
Ms Joanne Margaret Wood, Kaleen ACT 2617

For outstanding public service in supporting vulnerable Canberrans throughout the ACT's COVID-19 response.
As deputy director-general, Community Services Directorate (CSD), Ms Joanne Wood was responsible for leading CSD's response to COVID-19. She led the-groundwork to establish quarantine arrangements that catered to women and children fleeing domestic violence, homeless people, those with drug and alcohol issues and people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. She worked tirelessly across sectors to ensure services could cater to the needs of all, particularly those at greatest risk.
Ms Wood was able to work across multiple directorates, programs, and with health and community sector partners to provide innovative service responses to the most vulnerable cohorts during COVID-19. This included working with multicultural community leaders to ensure key cultural groups were accessing vaccines and enabled to comply with lockdown requirements. She negotiated the provision of basic supplies and services for some cohorts, who would otherwise have been left isolated and at-risk during lockdowns.
She worked to establish the ACT Government's Ragusa Quarantine Facility. This work included engaging community sector partners to provide on the ground services and supports, such as access to drug and alcohol services, that were required for people to be able to comply with quarantine requirements. She was also instrumental in ensuring the service response attended to people's needs beyond the health requirements.
Ms Wood has exemplified community service in her various roles within the Community Services Directorate. She is very attuned to the work needed with the community sector. She has a clear focus on doing what is right to support the most vulnerable in our community, and to make the social fabric of the ACT better, through targeted supports and services for those that need it.
Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM)
Mr Gerald Peter Muhldorff, ACT
Mr Gerald Muhldorff joined ACT Fire & Rescue (ACTF&R) on 12 June 1997 after having served nine years as a firefighter in the Royal Australian Navy. Mr Muhldorff joined with the first intake of lateral recruits inducted by ACTF&R. Throughout the past 26 years, Mr Muhldorff has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the study, training, and practice of fire investigation, specifically fire cause determination.
Mr Muhldorff attained the rank of station officer on 7 September 2006, and continuously proves to be a valuable member of ACTF&R and ACT Emergency Services Agency. Whilst a firefighter, Mr Muhldorff undertook study in the field of fire investigation and subsequently worked as an investigator, and as the ACTF&R Fire Investigation Coordinator. He has maintained all operational requirements and training and still participates in active frontline operations on a regular basis.
The role of a fire investigator is to establish fire cause and determination post fire, which can be an extremely complex science. Mr Muhldorff has proven to be an expert in this field and has represented ACTF&R on numerous occasions as an expert in courts of law. Mr Muhldorff has also excelled as an instructor and mentor for staff from ACTF&R, Australian Federal Police, and various other agencies.
Due to his expertise and experience, Mr Muhldorff was selected to be a member of a joint service Australian contingent who were tasked with providing fire investigation training to military officers in Thailand and the Iraq Police service training conducted in Australia. The science of fire investigation is to analyse the cause of a fire, to provide information and ultimately protection to operational crews through the outcomes of this investigation process. Comprehensive fire scene investigation determines fire behaviour which informs directly how operational crews contend with the incident scene.
The work undertaken by Mr Muhldorff has significantly added to the safety of responding ACTF&R crews. Fire investigation is difficult, dirty, and exhausting work. The conditions encountered are hazardous in nature, and practitioners are required to undertake their work until a determination is made. This requires dedication and focus which Mr Muhldorff has demonstrated on many occasions.
Emergency Services Medal (ESM)
Mr Tristan Wesley Peemoeller, ACT
Mr Tristan Peemoeller is a highly dedicated and valued member the ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES). He unfailingly makes himself available to assist almost all SES calls for support, exceeding the volunteer obligation by 24 times of that required. His commitment to the ACT community is beyond question.
Mr Peemoeller has served as a frontline volunteer since 2017, he has always maintained a high level of competence and availability to support the community all year round. Mr Peemoeller is a very proactive member of the ACTSES, and throughout his time has responded to requests for assistance during floods, storms, missing person searches, and supports in the coordination of training activities. In addition, he unfailingly makes himself available to assist on a wide range of tasks, including assisting in the welfare of his fellow volunteers.
During the ACT Health response to COVID-19, his commitment was well above that requested by the ACTSES volunteers. He contributed multiple hours of service, participating in frontline operations, Incident Management Teams, and welfare and support activities. These activities included packaging food and supply packs for vulnerable communities, distribution of goods to ACT residents through the Canberra Relief Network, and delivery of school supplies and laptop computers to ACT students on behalf of ACT Education. Mr Peemoeller maintained his volunteer engagement through this difficult time, remaining operationally ready, when many did not.
Mr Peemoeller continues to demonstrate an outstanding level of commitment to the ACTSES and its members, continuing to go above and beyond in every aspect of his volunteering. His leadership and commitment, especially in regard to community education, ensures the ACT can deliver its valuable service to the community. He is highly regarded by ACTSES volunteers and directly contributes to the ongoing development of the ACTSES into the professional organisation it is today.
Australian Corrections Medal (ACM)
Mr Dean Matthew Smith
Mr Dean Smith has been a frontline correctional officer with ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) since 1997 and currently holds the position of correctional officer grade 2 at the Alexander Maconochie Centre. He is well regarded for the respectful way he treats both staff and detainees. Mr Smith is highly skilled in planning and coordinating responses to incidents or disturbances.
In an emergency, Mr Smith has an ability to assess and respond to what is often a rapidly changing situation. During these times, Mr Smith takes a leadership role in coordinating operational responses and has a high level of situational awareness. He provides detailed and clear instruction to staff, with each person knowing what is required of them and the importance of their role to achieve the desired outcome. Staff place trust in his expertise and judgement and are willing to follow his instructions in stressful and potentially hazardous situations.
Mr Smith treats all detainees with respect, especially when they are experiencing heightened emotional states. The detainees also show him respect, as he is tactful, considerate, upfront and transparent in his dealings with them and does not make false promises. He has exceptional communication skills and a relaxed disposition, which enables him to resolve conflict calmly and peacefully with detainees.
Mr Smith, throughout the duration of his career, has conducted himself with professionalism and integrity and has an untarnished service record. He is the epitome of an outstanding correctional officer and supervisor and he is admired by his colleagues for his professionalism. Overall, Mr Smith is an accomplished, yet humble, correctional leader who does not seek personal recognition.
Australian Intelligence Medal (AIM)
Details are not available for any of these recipients.