Sophie Labelle is a French-Canadian transgender cartoonist, activist, writer, and public speaker. She is best known for her webcomics "Assigned Male" and "Serious Trans Vibes" which address issues related to gender identity, transgender experiences, and LGBTQ+ themes.
Labelle has many fans worldwide, and she's often invited to different events to talk about her work. People appreciate that her comics help normalize being transgender. Scroll down to see her latest creations! If you want to see more of Labelle's work, the best way to read her comics is on Webtoon!
More info: Instagram | | Facebook | |
Image credits: labellesophie
Bored Panda reached out to Labelle to delve deeper into her world and creative journey. We were eager to unravel the roots of her passion for making comics. "I’ve been drawing comics since I was 7," shared the artist. "With my brother and a friend, we had a 'comic club'. Our comics were popular all over town, and since I was getting a lot of bullying because of my gender expression, it became my main motivation to get up in the morning. It was especially true when I was treated for depression at 8 because gender dysphoria was unbearable. Art became my main mode of expression."
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Labelle told us that during her teenage years, after openly expressing her identity, she discovered a supportive community of people who identified as queer, trans, and gender non-conforming. Just like she always had, Labelle began creating comics centered around the experiences and humor within her circle of friends. "I didn't have to imagine an audience, because my comics were always meant to be shared among the people around me. When I started this specific project in 2014, which became my full-time job, I was still a student, and my main goal was to entertain my queer and trans friends at school."
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
"I've experienced firsthand how threatening it is for transphobes to encounter art meant to empower trans people and celebrate gender and sexual diversity. I once had to leave my home after being doxxed, facing a neo-Nazi demonstration against an all-ages talk I gave at a public library, an anti-trans MP labeling me as a threat to Great Britain, and having my books placed on banned lists in Texas. And that's not even mentioning the online hate – I often receive death threats several times a day!
Of course, I wouldn't still be doing it if there weren't positive experiences to counterbalance all that. I met my husband while on a public speaking tour in Finland, and now that's where I live! I also receive numerous messages from people using my comics as a means to initiate difficult discussions with friends or family, or even to come out. Gender journeys can often be chaotic, and many people have told me that my comics help them find the words to express their experiences, which is the best compliment I could receive."
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Labelle expressed that over the years, she has noticed that some people who aren't transgender tend to make transgender issues more complicated than they need to be. She believes that accepting and appreciating diversity and authenticity doesn't mean you have to be an expert in the complexities of gender or have a deep knowledge of endocrinology. "I have made a lot of comics meant to spare trans people from being constantly bombarded with questions. Trans people just want to live their lives without having to justify their existence – our existence shouldn’t require justifying. And I think people really need to make peace with the fact that human gender is chaotic, fluid, diverse, and surprising and that understanding who you are is a life-long quest for everyone, trans or not.
Trans and gender non-conforming people’s rights are currently under attack in a multitude of countries, states, and provinces. Chances are that you have a local association or group in your town or city and that they desperately need volunteers for all types of things. I encourage everyone to reach out to them and participate in any way they can. Getting involved is the best way to learn!"
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie
Image credits: labellesophie