Cats are known to have their form: people who pet them know that they do not come under the definition of solid, liquid and gas. They can squeeze into any container, they can fit into any corner, they can even lay still in their own quirky manner.
It is rightly said that cats are connoisseurs of comfort. They do not stop in their pursuit of finding comfort and solace no matter what. You can find a cat happily sleeping on the porch, cuddled up in a corner, in the weirdest possible position.
Sometimes they blend in their surroundings so properly that it becomes tough to spot them. A Twitter user who goes by the name "There is no cat in this image" shares amazing and funny cat pics where it is literally difficult for the viewer to spot the cat.
The furry one
While you are gazing hard to find a cat in this picture, it is having a delightful sleep and might also be purring at times. The clean-white cat is sleeping on its back on this doormat with which it shares its body color entirely.
The peeping one
Can you see those big round eyes peeping at you? If you can't just look at the centre of the image. The cat is sitting in between the tree trunk and the covering which has what looks like a dummy scorpion on top of it. As usual this unusual place might be the place of solace for this little one.
TV with eyes
Can you spot the cat in the picture? If you can't here is a hint: it is sitting right in front of your eyes. This black cat is sitting in front of the TV, while its legs are blending in with the TV stand, its color completely fuses with the TV screen.