An adventurous cat who escaped from a bus in Dumbarton has been reunited with his owners - after more than five months exploring the town.
Mischievous Natcho had been missing from around the Barloan Toll roundabout in Bellsmyre since early March, having escaped from his carrier when his owner was getting off the bus.
Natcho is from Campbeltown so didn’t know the area, but visited a garden where residents were able to ensure he was eventually reunited.
A statement from Cats Protection Glasgow said: “After nearly 22 weeks missing, Natcho has been found and reunited with his relieved family.

“He’d been visiting someone’s garden, not far from where he escaped from his carrier, and they were able to get photos and videos of him to share.
“His family were able to coordinate with the finder and bring him back home.
“Natcho’s friends and family would like to thank everyone for their support over these past few months, and especially his finder.
“Welcome home handsome boy.”