Campaigners pressing for the reversal of controversial changes to Clevedon seafront have welcomed news the scheme is to be reviewed. North Somerset Council announced earlier this week it is to launch an independent review of the changes to The Beach and Hill Road following continuing concerns from businesses and residents.
The newly elected council pledged to review the scheme - which has cost £700,000 - after the elections in May and has already ‘arranged a number of pieces of work as part of the process. ’ Active Travel England visited Clevedon last month to inspect the scheme and ensure its compliance for the Government funding it received.
External contractor engineers have also been commissioned to conduct the scheme’s post-implementation safety audit. The audit is part of the normal statutory and council process for any significant investment scheme and will take place early this month.
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A public meeting is also due to be held later this month for people to give their opinions on the changes. The scheme has seen pavements widened along Hill Road and new crossing points installed. A one way system was introduced along with a contraflow cycle lane and a 20mph limit.
The seafront also underwent a series of controversial changes including the installation of a new segregated cycle lane as part of the new Pier to Pier Way. Car parking was changed to run parallel to the prom - reducing the number of spaces available - and a new roundabout installed at the junction of The Beach and Alexandra Road.

A new buff surfacing and road markings were installed, with residents dubbing it Clevedon’s new ‘yellow brick road.’ The changes have proved hugely unpopular with local residents and businesses with a number of protests held calling for their reversal.
Campaigners from the Save our Seafront (SOS) campaign have welcomed the review, but are concerned that the council may just pay ‘lip service’ to the objections. SOS founder Cathy Hawkins said "We are pleased that North Somerset has announced an independent review will be carried out into the seafront scheme and a public meeting held.
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"However, we are disappointed that this review doesn’t sound very independent as it also says this scheme is ‘intended to improve access for pedestrians and cyclists on Hill Road and The Beach in Clevedon because SOS were not aware of any issues with pedestrian or cycling access to these areas before the changes were made.
"This sounds like justification for a crazy scheme before the jury is out. Most Clevedon residents were against the changes made to Clevedon seafront making it one way and installing a cycle lane to nowhere of about 400 yards. "Over 6,000 people signed a petition against the plans.
"The barmy curvy lines made North Somerset Council into a viral laughing stock of the nation. Now it’s even worse with the Victorian seafront totally desecrated and a cross added.
"It is a confusing undulated surface and road that causes dangerous confusion for motorists, cyclist and pedestrians. SOS are against the changes for many reasons and want the seafront put back to how it was. But we are primarily concerned about the safety issues.
"Loss of parking and the effect on local businesses in the area who are 100% against the scheme. We received safety information from North Somerset that shows in the last five years there have been only two personal injury accidents in the whole scheme area.
"This is an exceptionally good safety record and suggests the expression when auditing road schemes; ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t try and fix it’. Both accidents involved injury to non-motorised road users (one pedestrian and one cyclist), and the changes are likely to increase the potential risk for similar accidents of both natures.”
Nick Wring owner of the restaurants Scoozi on Hill Road and Tiffin on The Beach front said: "The only way North Somerset Council will restore the trust it needs from the electorate to undertake positive change these next four years is by being completely transparent over this economically damaging and discriminatory mess the previous administration caused Clevedon. If they believe they can simply play lip service and hope it goes away, they should remember how easy it was to remove the councillors who promoted the scheme in the last election.”
The public meeting is being held on July 20 at the Princes Hall at 7pm.