In these turbulent times, it is reassuring to discover that other countries’ diplomats are impressed with David Cameron’s energy, work ethic and effectiveness in working with foreign governments (‘He’s getting a lot done’: Cameron’s first 100 days as foreign secretary impress, 26 February). However, I can’t help thinking that if only he had displayed these attributes more when he was prime minister, in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, Britain might be in a better place today.
Ian West
Broseley, Shropshire
• It’s unlikely, I think, that George Galloway would have been very many people’s second choice in the Rochdale byelection, had they been given the chance to express a preference (Report, 1 March). So 39.7% support is a “great victory”. Like the 43.6% that gave Boris Johnson his “vast mandate” in 2019. Let’s hear it for our outdated electoral system: giving people the MPs they don’t want since 1832.
Neil Hickman
Hardingham, Norfolk
• In the early 1950s, my friend Lyndsey and I, as the best spellers in the class, were told to learn to spell escholtzia (sic) and physiognomy (mispronounced, as I remember). It has not done us a great deal of good in the long run (Letters, 27 February).
Gillian Bassett
Great Barford, Bedfordshire
• On the letters from Sheffield (26 February), let’s keep them coming …
Sue Bolger
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