Victorian independent MPs are pushing for an independent review into how the state's parliament handles bullying and harassment claims.
The Justice Party will move a motion calling for a Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission inquiry into parliamentary bullying and harassment process.
It comes after Kaushaliya Vaghela quit the Labor party earlier this month after alleging systematic bullying.
"We know that recently we had not only Ms Vaghela make alleged claims ... but I think on a national scale we are hearing more and more about workplace bullying and sexual harassment," Justice Party MP Tania Maxwell told reporters on Tuesday.
"This would require the two presiding officers to write to VEOHRC and ask them to do an inquiry.
"Basically, the outcome is to explore whether what is in place now is suitable and open."
She said the motion also asks the commission to look into whether the current processes require independence.
"The process at the moment would be to go to the president and from there the process would go through a chain of command," Ms Maxwell said.
"But if you're a government member and you're putting forward a complaint to another government member, is that appropriate?"
Premier Daniel Andrews said work was already under way to review the current bullying and harassment framework within parliament.
"Work is being done by the president and the speaker, department of parliamentary services and the party leadership ... we'll be a much better parliament for that," he said.
"This is about culture, but it's also about making sure that anybody who has had an experience like that can safely come forward, tell their story and get the support and the justice."
Mr Andrews hopes the review will be completed before the state election.
Ms Vaghela left Labor after supporting her former ally and disgraced factional powerbroker Adem Somyurek's the motion in parliament requesting the Victorian Ombudsman re-investigate any role Mr Andrews may have played in the government's 2014 election rorts scandal.
Mr Somyurek quit the party before it moved to expel him last year when it was revealed he led an "industrial-scale" branch stacking operation for the moderate faction.