Residents remain hopeful that a well-used piece of land which is set for a controversial development can be utilised for the community.
A number of residents expressed their concerns over plans for a new multi-storey car park, improved public transport infrastructure and housing at Salt Lake after they were shown to members of the public in November 2021.
The plans are part of an effort to regenerate Porthcawl's seafront, which includes already-approved plans for a new Aldi supermarket.
Read more: You can find more news from Porthcawl here.
Plans for a new Metro-link development - a four-bay bus terminus and building - along The Portway, next to the Salt Lake car park have also been approved.
Although a number of residents noted that it was important to utilise Salt Lake car park and that there was a need for housing, others feared that the building of too many houses could have a negative impact on the area's aesthetics.
Describing her initial thoughts on the plans for Salt Lake, Gemma Christie, a resident of Porthcawl, said: "We just felt it looked too urban in design, and whilst it might be perfectly suited to a city the development needs to be more sympathetic with the coastal environment and have a real community feel to it.
"We were concerned that that many houses would obstruct the beautiful views and wouldn't provide any recreational space for the locals and visitors alike."
A Voice for the Future Porthcawl - a group that speaks up for regeneration in the seaside town - has been engaging with Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) on the plans for Salt Lake.

Gemma, who is also a member of A Voice for the Future Porthcawl, said members of the community would like to see Salt Lake developed with them in mind.
A Dragons' Den event at the end of November brought together residents in Porthcawl and gave them the opportunity to have their say on what they would like to see at Salt Lake.
Ideas like a pump track, shipping containers, a lido and a space for wellness were put forward by those who attended the event at The Hi-Tide Inn.
Senedd Member for Bridgend and Porthcawl Sarah Murphy, who organised the event, said: "First and foremost, it is a prime location.
"I do think that it has a lot of potential.

"My ultimate goal here is to ensure that the community have as much say in it as possible and that the plans are very much done with the Wellbeing and Future Generations Act in mind, so we are not doing something that will be a short term gain and that it will really be something that is for the people of Porthcawl now, but also for tourists and generations to come.
"If there is going to be housing on this site, we have to have reassurance in the community - first of all, that it is not going to be a ridiculously high number of new houses [and] that it is going to address those [housing] issues, that these are not going to be half a million pound apartments that are going to be bought by people to put out on Airbnb.
"This could be the jewel in the crown for the local authority. This is an opportunity to have a lot of housing that is [at the] highest standard of environmentally friendly housing that also incorporates green spaces and places that the community can come together - not blocks of flats that we see everywhere that are unaffordable, not green and are eyesores."
A BCBC spokesperson said: "Our vision for regenerating Porthcawl is based on realistic, achievable and sustainable goals which will enhance the town as both a visitor destination and as somewhere where people can live and work.

“Modern multi-storey car parking at Hillsboro Place, a luxury spa waterfront hotel, landscaping and pedestrianisation along the Eastern Promenade, improved public transport, the extension of Dock Street, new housing and fresh community spaces are just some of the potential opportunities that we want to explore.
“The development of a food store at Salt Lake will provide an iconic landmark building that will offer community value while unlocking vital funds that can be reinvested into further improvements, such as maximising the use of green open space and high-quality landscaping as well as new residential, leisure, retail and commercial developments, new active travel facilities and more.
“We are currently reviewing, analysing and summarising the wide range of responses that were received as part of the public consultation we carried out at the end of 2021, and are developing a draft placemaking strategy which will take account of the many different views that have been expressed.
“This will address key messages coming out of the consultation while also remaining in accord with planning policy and the need for any strategy to be credible and deliverable.
“The council remains committed towards its overarching vision for regenerating Porthcawl, and we anticipate delivering a draft strategy to Cabinet in spring 2022 as part of a wider report that will include details on the outcomes of the consultation and recommended next steps for the regeneration area.”
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