A councillor is calling for close scrutiny of flood mitigation measures in plans to halve Craigie Hill Golf Course and develop a community sports hub and 200 homes.
Perth City South councillor Liz Barrett says she has been contacted by residents with serious concerns about flooding.
A Craigie Hill Golf Club spokesperson has claimed that rather than exacerbate flooding the development will reduce the risk by 68 per cent.
Cllr Liz Barrett wants evidence of this to be "closely scrutinised".
The Liberal Democrat councillor said: "People from across Perth City South have contacted me with serious concerns about the impacts on flooding, a housing development outside the Perth settlement area, and access. I know the stress that flooding many residents whenever there is heavy rain causes.

"When I was at the developers’ consultation at the weekend, they said that the development will deliver a reduction in surface water run-off. The evidence for this will need to be very closely scrutinised."
The historic Perth club held two drop-in consultation events on Thursday and Sunday to allow members of the public to learn more about its plans which are being promoted in tandem with civil engineering contractor Kilmac.
Craigie Hill Golf Club - which dates back more than 100 years - is losing £30,000 a year and is seeking to secure its future.
Under the proposal, the golf course would halve from 18 to nine holes with 200 homes built on part of the current course - 50 of which would be affordable. It would also see the creation of an environmentally friendly community sports hub and a wider range of potential leisure options such as padel tennis, mountain biking and dance.
David Mitchell - spokesman for the Craigie Hill transition team - said the club was "delighted" with the interest shown by local residents with both events "very well attended".

He told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: "This is the first step in bringing the community with us as we bid to secure the future of a golf club which dates back more than 100 years and provide an enduring recreational legacy for future generations to enjoy.
"The Hill, which is now a not-for-profit community club, simply cannot continue to lose around £30,000 a year.
"We already welcome non-members to use the restaurant facilities and the clubhouse regularly hosts various social occasions.
"But we firmly believe a nine-hole course with 18 tee configurations will provide a fresh lease of life and appeal to golfers of all ages and abilities."
However concern has been raised by flood victims who have suffered thousands of pounds' worth of flood damage in recent years.
Members of both Perth Community Flood Aid and Flood Action Group Perth attended the consultations held at Craigie Hill Golf Club following a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) being lodged recently with Perth and Kinross Council. The two groups are primarily concerned about the 200 houses being proposed.
The groups issued the following joint statement: "The consultation mostly focused on the Community Hub and other activities, with very little information around the housing - neither group have any objections to the Community Hub and associated activities.
"We would like more thought given to alternative sources of funding to build the Community Hub rather than the housing proposed. It is the housing - in particular the access, drainage, and possible flood risk – which is most concerning for us and the vast majority of those we have spoken to since this plan was unveiled."
"Both groups have met with Craigie Hill Golf Club and Kilmac and hope to continue open, frank discussions throughout, what will be, a long planning process."
They added: "The more open Craigie Hill Golf Club and Kilmac are with us and local residents the more productive these meetings will be."
Craigie Hill Golf Club is well aware of flooding concerns with club members themselves having been affected.
David Mitchell said: "They are right to express concern, given that many of our members are homeowners who have suffered from flooding themselves or have family and friends who have been impacted.

"With that in mind, we have instructed comprehensive reports to assess flood impact through development of the lower slopes of the golf course.
"We are confident mitigating factors such as a well-designed drainage system and SUDS (sustainable urban drainage systems) detention ponds will actually alleviate pressure on the Craigie Burn, reducing the current greenfield water run-off during peak storm events by 68 per cent, which, crucially, delivers a positive impact on flood risk downstream of the site.
"We fully appreciate that if our development was likely to exacerbate the existing flooding issue, then the governing bodies won’t give us the green light."
Mr Mitchell said they would continue to liaise with the flood action groups and added: "We have also indicated that the club is prepared to finance an independent assessment of our own figures to provide some peace of mind to group members and homeowners."
And golfers should still be able to enjoy an 18-hole course for the next two years.
Mr Mitchell said: "We don’t envisage any changes to the current golf course as the planning process continues over the next two years and new members are being made very welcome.
“The transition committee has been sounding out the membership on a new course lay-out and we believe extensive landscaping and woodland planting will secure the long-term future of the Hill and the adjacent Buckie Braes for locals and visitors to enjoy many years into the future."
Perth and Kinross Council has proposed to grant rights over two areas of open space land at Low Road to Craigie Hill Golf Club.
Mr Mitchell said: "We are pleased that the local authority proposes to assist access to the development by granting servitude rights over two slithers of Common Good Land at Low Road amounting to 0.08 acres so we can widen the roadway and create safe access.
“The council isn’t selling the land but the access rights do have a market value which will be paid to the Common Good Fund. It will also enhance access to a network of pathways at the Buckie Braes."
Conservative Perth City South councillor Andy Chan said: "I welcome the consultation and understand that issues of flooding and traffic are uppermost in the minds of residents. I have already raised these concerning issues with the developers.
"I understand that the golf club committee are trying to make their club more sustainable and that the development of a sports hub involving other sports is a positive move."