Chief Minister Andrew Barr has handed over the reins of the treasury, created a new economics team within cabinet and announced a focus on infrastructure delivery and front-line services.
Infrastructure Canberra, a new agency, will be established to take on the responsibilities of Major Projects Canberra and will have a larger role in infrastructure delivery. It was the first in a series of changes expected to the make-up of the ACT's public service.
The full list of ministerial responsibilities is at the bottom of this article.
Mr Barr said he would chair a cabinet sub-committee focused on delivering infrastructure projects, including a new hospital at Bruce, new schools, bus fleet electrificiation works and additional housing.
Mr Barr announced the creation of an economics team, appointing Chris Steel as Treasurer and Rachel Stephen-Smith as Minister for Finance.
"Chris Steel and Rachel Stephen-Smith ... will work with the Deputy Chief Minister, Yvette Berry, and myself as part of the government's expenditure review committee, and we'll be the team that will put together the budget each year," Mr Barr said.
The Chief Minister said the team reflected the need for work to reshape the public service and manage Commonwealth and state financial relations.
"I think that it is important to have a team that can focus on that," Mr Barr said.

Ms Stephen-Smith was also appointed Minister for the Public Service, with more machinery of government changes to be outlined in the future.
"I've been involved in government in various ways for a very long time and I am absolutely committed to ensuring that taxpayers' money is used to the best possible effect for the people of the ACT. But that doesn't mean cutting public service jobs," Ms Stephen-Smith said.
Mr Steel said he was honoured to take up the treasury portfolio and that the government would be focused on responsibly delivering its election commitments.
"The budget strategy is clear: it's about continuing to deliver the services that Canberrans expect, particularly around healthcare and tackling cost of living and housing," he said.
"So we'll of course be looking at how we can deliver our election commitments through the budgets that we've got ahead."
Mr Steel said the separation between his role and Mr Barr's would be useful. The separation between the chief minister and treasurer was an issue raised by independents during the election campaign.
"Perhaps [Mr Barr] will be a moderating force on an expenditure review committee when we consider the major challenges that the ACT faces, both known and unknown, over the next four years," he said.
"So I'm looking forward to gain the wisdom of an experienced treasurer working with our economic team as we assess particularly the budget portfolio measures that my colleagues will be putting forward to deliver on our Labor's election commitments, which will be our focus."
Mr Barr said the nature of the Legislative Assembly after the election, with an enlarged crossbench, meant he would need greater engagement with other members of the Assembly.
"I see that as a key part of my role as Chief Minister, but equally I have a focus in this term of the delivery of the major infrastructure pipeline, and that will be a core part of my responsibilities," he said.
The 2024 ACT cabinet
Andrew Barr
- Chief Minister
- Minister for Economic Development
- Minister for Tourism and Trade
Yvette Berry
- Deputy Chief Minister
- Minister for Education and Early Childhood
- Minister for Homes and New Suburbs
- Minister for Sport and Recreation
Rachel Stephen-Smith
- Minister for Health
- Minister for Mental Health
- Minister for Finance
- Minister for the Public Service
Chris Steel
- Treasurer
- Minister for Planning and Sustainable Development
- Minister for Heritage
- Minister for Transport
Tara Cheyne
- Manager of Government Business
- Attorney-General
- Minister for Human Rights
- Minister for City and Government Services
- Minister for the Night-Time Economy
Suzanne Orr
- Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
- Minister for Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water
- Minister for Disability, Carers and Community Services
- Minister for Seniors and Veterans
Michael Pettersson
- Minister for Business, Arts and Creative Industries
- Minister for Children, Youth and Families
- Minister for Multicultural Affairs
- Minister for Skills, Training and Industrial Relations
Marisa Paterson
- Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services
- Minister for Women
- Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence
- Minister for Corrections
- Minister for Gaming Reform