AN SNP councillor has resigned his seat, meaning a by-election will be held to replace him.
Kevin Stelfox, who was elected to represent the Mearns ward on Aberdeenshire Council in the 2022 local elections, stepped back due to health reasons.
In a statement released on Wednesday, Stelfox said: “It has been an unquestionable privilege to have represented the people of the Mearns for the last two and a half years, and I am grateful to those who gave me the opportunity to do so.
“Unfortunately I have made the decision to step down from the role for health reasons, which have made it increasingly harder for me to carry out the role to the level that I would wish to.
“I believe that now is the right time to step aside and allow the residents in the Mearns to elect another councillor, who can commit more fully to the role.”
Kevin Stelfox has resigned his position as an SNP councillor (Image: Aberdeenshire Council)
Stelfox was elected in the first round of voting in 2022, alongside a Conservative councillor. An independent and another Conservative were also elected to represent the Mearns ward in later voting rounds.
Aberdeenshire Council is controlled by a Tory administration, which governs with the support of the 14 Liberal Democrats and seven of the 10 independents on the council.
Gwyneth Petrie, the leader of the council’s SNP group, said: "It has been a pleasure to work with Kevin over the last few years, and I want to put on record our thanks to him for his service to his ward and the wider Aberdeenshire area.
"As a group, we will all miss Kevin, however we recognise that his health must be his priority, and we wish him well."
A by-election will be held in due course.