The Burns Club in Canberra is celebrating 100 years this year and it has a lot planned to mark the milestone.
Here's a taste of what the club has coming up:
- The Burns Club Centennial Race Day at Thoroughbred Park is on Saturday, June 1.
- The Burns Club Centenary Darts Championships are on June 7-9.
- The Burns Club Centenary CMAG Exhibition opens on September 14.
- The Pipe Band Canberra Centenary Event at Jack Ross Park is on September 29.
- The Canberra Highland Gathering is on October 12.
ActewAGL Community Grants
Applications are now open for ActewAGL's 2024 Community Grants program.
They close on June 30.
The program is open to community groups, not-for-profits and charitable organisations.
The grants are for up to $20,000 each to support "impactful projects across the region".
For more details and to check eligibility, go to:

Want to give mum a belly laugh for Mother's Day? How does a ticket to Mother and Son on stage sound?
Canberra's Tempo Theatre presents a new and updated stage version of the Australian classic.
This production was written by Geoffrey Atherden, based on his original - and much-loved - ABC-TV series of the 1980s and 90s.
Arthur Beare has found a new girlfriend and makes plans to go on holiday with her. Will he be able to leave his mother Maggie? Can he rely on his philandering older brother Robert, the dentist, to care for his mother while he is away?
Mother and Son opens at the Belconnen Community Theatre on May 24 and runs until June 1. Bookings at Canberra Ticketing: or 6275 2700.