A man "lost it" and slapped a five-year-old girl's face so hard that it bruised after she kicked him.
Bullying Jonathan Engles, 37, had started laughing at the girl after she hurt her wrist and started crying in March 2020.
She then kicked him before he slapped her on the face, heard Paisley Sherriff Court.
The young girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was left with bruising and swelling which her mum reported to the police.
Engles, from Renfrew, near Glasgow, has now been ordered not to have any unsupervised contact with children under the age of 16, reports the Daily Record.
Michael Cunningham, prosecuting, previously said: “The child was picked up and taken to meet the accused on Friday, March 27, 2020.
“Around 9.30am on Sunday, March 29, the girl was in the accused’s bedroom and while she was in there, she hurt her wrist and began to cry.

“Engles began laughing at her and the little girl kicked the accused.
“He then slapped her face causing a mark and bruising on the right hand side of her face.
“The girl immediately began to scream and cry.
“She then went to another bedroom and told an older woman what had happened and this woman calmed the girl down.
“This woman spoke with Engles and he said he ‘just lost it’ and apologised to the girl.”
The girl was then taken home before her mother noticed the bruising, the court heard.

Mr Cunningham added: "The girl's mother observed bruising and swelling to the girl’s face and took pictures of it.
“On Monday, March 30, she reported the injuries to the police.
“Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, officers were unable to formally caution and charge Engles but he was telephoned and advised a report would be submitted to my office.”
Eamon McGeehan, defending, said Engles is a man who “has to deal with his demons”.
He added: “His addictions are ongoing but he is seeking assistance in dealing with these.
“If he can address his addiction issues, his offending behaviour will diminish.”
On Thursday, Engles was placed under supervision of the social work department for 12 months with a conduct requirement that prevents him being on his own with children under the age of 16.
He was also ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work in the community.
Sheriff Lindsay Kooner told him: “This matter was an assault on a five-year-old girl.
“I’m quite sure you’ve discussed with your lawyer some of the attitudes and perceptions of what a responsible adult should do.
“She was five-years-old and these matters cannot be dealt with in the way that you did.”
A review hearing was set for March 31 next year.