Some workouts can be packed full of complex moves or use multiple bits of equipment, but if you're exercising at home or your tight on time, sometimes simplicity is key, which is where this short workout comes in.
Not only will it strengthen your mid-body muscles in just six minutes, but it also only contains three bodyweight moves. So, there's nothing to stop you unrolling your yoga mat (or towel, if you don't have one) and giving it a go.
This session, trainer Jay Maryniak (JTM_Fit), is an example of an AMRAP workout, where the aim is to do As Many Rounds As Possible in a given time. You'll start a six-minute timer, complete 10 repetitions of each move, and repeat as many times as you can before the clock hits zero.
If you aren't familiar with any of these exercises (Muay Thai knees were a new one, even for us!) then watch Maryniak's demonstrations for each one. Then try to mirror his form to work on your technique — the lynchpin of any effective workout.
Watch JTM_Fit's three-move core workout
Although you're doing this to a timer, you don't need to rush each repetition. In fact, the key to this routine is to find a steady pace you can stick to for the full work period without taking additional breaks or effecting your form.
Six minutes is a long time to target a single muscle group with minimal rest. Slowing things down will also allow you to focus on your form and boost your core muscles' time under tension, which can make the session more challenging and effective.
Although its listed as a core strengthening workout, you'll also feel the effects around your abdominal muscles. But there are subtle differences between abs and core training.
The abdominals include the rectus abdominis (responsible for the six-pack shape), spine-supporting transverse abdominis and the obliques which play a pivotal role in twisting movements.
These will all be used in this workout, but they only make up part of the core — a larger group of muscles responsible for linking the upper and lower body, filling crucial roles like sparing the spine from excess stress.
By strengthening your mid-body muscles, you can reduce back pain, lower your risk of injury, improve your posture and boost your balance, so it's always worth adding some dedicated core workouts in your exercise plans.