Resistance bands are a great tool for working on your strength, balance and stability. The tension they create challenges your muscles through a wide range of motion, which can help you build comprehensive strength.
They’re portable, cheap and easy to store. Plus, it’s thought that the strength gains from using a band are similar to training with dumbbells or resistance machines, according to a study published in Journal List.
Want to experience a resistance band workout for yourself? I’m a personal trainer and this 30-minute workout is designed to improve lower-body strength (particularly in your glutes and quads) and boost your balance with just five moves and a band.
If you need some equipment for the routine, have a look through Prime Day resistance band deals here.
How to do the five-move resistance band workout
- Banded penguins: 3x10
- Front to back leg swings: 3x10 on each side
- Side to side leg swings: 3x10 on each side
- Backwards leg circles 3x10 on each side
- Donkey kicks 3x10 on each side
Start with a warm-up to increase the heart rate and blood flow to those soon-to-be hardworking muscles. I recommend a two-round circuit of 20 jumping jacks, 20 squats, 20 lunges with a twist, 20 toe touches, 20 hip openers and 20 arm circles.
Next, perform the exercises listed above one after the other without resting. At the end of the fifth exercise, rest for one minute then repeat. Aim to do three sets.
Dedicate time at the end to stretch, ideally for five to ten minutes. If you need some inspiration or ideas on what to do, check out our stretching guide. If you’re new to these exercises, scroll down for a quick explanation of how to perform them.
1. Banded penguins

Sets: 3 Reps: 10
- Start with the band around your ankles and legs hip-width apart.
- Take one foot off the floor and raise it to the side. Bring it back to the start position then lift the other foot and raise it to the side.
- Repeat this movement going side to side on the spot, maintaining resistance on the band, so you look like you’re walking (or waddling!) like a penguin.
2. Front-to-back leg swings

Sets: 3 Reps: 10
- Put the band around your ankles and stand with your legs hip-width apart. Brace your core muscles to stabilize your torso and spine (you can read more about how to engage your core here).
- Balance on your left leg as you lift your right foot off the ground. Extend it forward and then swing it back.
- Repeat for ten reps then swap legs.
3. Side-to-side leg swings
Sets: 3 Reps: 10

- Stand with your band around your ankles, legs hip-width apart, shoulders back and chest open.
- Balance on your left leg as you lift your right leg and swing it first to the right (lateral raise) then across your body to the left. This might feel wobbly so brace your core to stabilize yourself. You can also put your arms out at shoulder height or hold a wall or chair for balance.
- Repeat for 10 swings then swap legs.
4. Backwards leg circles

Sets: 3 Reps: 10
- Put the band around your ankles and stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.
- With your hands on your hips or out at shoulder height to stabilize you, lift your right leg off the floor and circle it backwards for one rotation. You can rest your foot after each rotation. Repeat for ten reps on each leg.
5. Donkey kicks

Sets: 3 Reps: 10
- In a tabletop position put the band around your feet. Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your buttocks.
- Lift your right foot off the floor and kick it up towards the ceiling. Swap legs and kick the left foot up. Keep swapping legs and repeat for ten reps on each side.