Budget hotels are the top spot for secret sex sessions, a poll of love cheats has revealed.
More than half of those who cheat on their partners enjoy illicit liaisons in cut-price rooms, such as those offered by Premier Inn.
The next most popular places for affairs are empty offices, followed by friends’ houses – and even cars.
The survey, carried out by dating site illicitencounters.com, also revealed that more than 60% of the 2,000 members polled were more likely to cheat at Christmas than at any other time.

Some 40% said they would blame an illicit encounter on too much booze, while 30% said they needed to let off steam over the festive period and a further 30% said they cheat as they are stuck in an unhappy relationship.
Illicit Encounters spokeswoman Jessica Leoni said: “If you are worried your partner may be up to no good this Christmas, you could do worse than hang around of a Premier Inn if you are looking to catch them at it.”