The brothers of murdered British tourist Julie Ward are continuing the fight for justice over her killing in Kenya after their parents died still campaigning 35 years on.
Keen wildlife photographer Julie was 28 when she was killed in the Masai Mara reserve in 1988.
Her dad John found her charred remains when he flew out to find her after she went missing shortly before she was due to return to the UK.
Now John and wife Jan have died within days of each other, just short of their 90th birthdays, having never given up the battle to expose a cover-up that reached the highest levels.
Sons Bob, 60, and Tim, 61, have vowed to continue their parents’ work.

Bob said: “We will never stop.”
Julie vanished as she drove to collect her tents before she was due to go to Nairobi for a flight home the next day.
The Kenyan authorities tried to blame Julie’s death on animals, or even suicide.
They finally admitted she had been murdered after a relentless campaign by John who made over 150 trips to Kenya to try to uncover the truth.
One by one he tore down the walls of lies and deceit that reached right to the top and the office of then-President Daniel arap Moi, whose son Jonathan was the prime suspect for Julie’s death.
Jonathan Moi died from cancer in 2020 without ever being charged.
Julie’s family said they have amassed a huge weight of evidence all pointing to Moi, including a powerful eye-witness account of what happened.
Bob said: “Somewhere on her last journey she was abducted, attacked and murdered.

“Her remains were found in the middle of the Masai Mara. She had been mutilated and burned. There have been lies and cover-ups all the way along.
“The Kenyan government and British government were both complicit in attempting to cover up Julie’s murder. This isn’t over.”
Tim added: “The facts clearly suggest Jonathan Moi killed Julie.
“We know that but the authorities still refuse to admit it.

“Both governments [in Kenya and the UK] know this as well, but it became too much of a big issue for both of them. But we do have the evidence.
“Someone somewhere knows exactly what happened, it’s not too late for them to come forward. As Dad got older we became more involved and helped him with his campaign to get to the truth.
“For 35 years the family, led by Dad, fought with the Kenyan Government, the British government, Scotland Yard and MI6 who sought to protect the identity of Julie’s murderer.”
The Kenyans officially admitted their part in the cover-up at Julie’s inquest in Ipswich, Suffolk, in 2004. In that hearing, coroner Peter Dean praised John’s tireless campaign, saying: “It is impossible not to have been moved by the unrelenting dedication of Mr Ward and his sheer determination to seek the truth against what appears to have been a mounting wall of official obstruction and ludicrous misinformation.”

But to this day British authorities remain in denial. In 1991 John published a book called The Animals Are Innocent: The Search for Julie’s Killers, telling the story of his fight for justice.
Its poignant last line recalled how Julie had excitedly bounced over to him before setting off on her fateful journey to Africa, saying: “Hello, Daddy. Guess what? I’m going to Kenya to photograph the wildlife and elephants.”
Before his death John had written a second book, as yet unpublished, setting out new evidence which will also be exposed in an upcoming TV documentary. Bob said: “We intend to get the book published in his memory.”
Telling of the family’s heartache over Julie’s murder, Bob added: “It was particularly devastating for Mum. She lost both her daughter and her best friend in the most appalling circumstances.

“But she dealt with the loss with extraordinary dignity and bravery.
“It left a hole in her life which was always there and the underlying pain of loss that never went away.”
The family had planned a joint 90th birthday party for John and Jan from Brockley, Suffolk, later this month.
The couple were childhood sweethearts, having met when they were at a secondary school in Harrow, North West London.
They had been married over 65 years. John died after a short brave battle against prostate cancer and Jan after a long illness.
Their beloved daughter Julie will be remembered at their joint funeral this month in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.