A grieving brother of a murdered sister has urged the Government to stop violence against women by introducing stronger laws.
Jennie Poole was violently killed in her Finglas apartment last April and her family have sad it is a pain that will never go away as they sent their condolences to the family of murdered Ashling Murphy.
There has been 244 women lost to violence since 1996 and the murder of school teacher Ashling Murphy last week has sent shock waves through the country.
Jason Poole told the vigil in Ballymun that stronger laws and education of the next generation is what is needed to stop gender-based violence.
He said: "As the family of Jenny Poole whose life was taken in a tragic and violent way last April, it is a year we will never forget.
"We wanted to express our deepest condolence to the family, friends, work colleagues and students of Ashling.
"We as a family are very aware of the pain hurt and grief that Ashling's family are going through at present - especially today when they laid her to rest.
"Jenny was a kind, caring and hardworking woman, just like Ashling and the other 244 [since 1996] women that should be at home with their families that love them today."
Jason called for stronger laws to penalise those who attack women and for better education for the upcoming generation.
"We call on Government to sit with interested bodies and strengthen the current legislation and enact new legislation to keep women safe....we hear about new legislation on the way.
"Let's just hope that this legislation protects the women of Ireland so no new families have to suffer like the 244 families who will always be suffering the loss of their family member."
The grieving brother urged parents to educate the upcoming generation.
He said: "Parents and guardians need to sit down with their children and tell them that it is not okay to use violence."
Organiser of the event Glenda Harrington said: "Today we have decided that we would come out to remember and celebrate the lives of all the women that have been lost through violence.
"Somebody needs to listen, there needs to be more penalties. There needs to be stronger sentences for the people that do things like this to hopefully try and deter them and stop this from happening."
Glenda said to all of the women whose fear of attack may have been exasperated by the Ashling Murphy murder: "Don't be afraid. Go out. Do what you have to do. Don't let this stop you. Hopefully, justice will prevail and the Guards and the Government will start listening."

Local Councillor Noeleen Reilly told the vigil that two women in the area have been killed in their own homes in just the last year.
She said: "There is a real sense of sadness across the country today that we are hear again talking about another woman being killed."
"In the last year, we have lost two women in this area...[They were] killed in their own homes which a lot of the time women are. They are killed in their own home by someone that they know."
She added: "There does need to be a serious conversation around violence against women. We have these conversations when something like this happens and then it goes away for a while and then another woman is killed and we have that conversation again...and then nothing happens."
"We have to draw a line here. We cannot lose anymore women."
Fianna Fail TD for the area Paul McAuliffe said: "This community experiences violence all the time. We have people in our community shot or injured and we haven't had that same reaction."
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