Britney Spears stunned her fans on Sunday as she uploaded - and then quickly made private - a lengthy rant in which she called her conservatorship a set up.
The Toxic singer, 40, shared the 22-minute video on YouTube, offering up a host of claims in which she fired more accusations in the direction of her parents. The clip showed Britney speak at length about her experiences during her decade-long legal conservatorship and chronologically detail the events that led up to her father taking control of her decisions and finances.
The songstress, who has just released a new tune with Elton John, also alleged her 2008 forced hospitalisation was pre-meditated to help her family took control of her assets. However, she made the surprising claim that, despite previous reports, there was no drugs or alcohol in her system prior to her hospitalisation.
Britney's latest rant comes shortly after she deleted her Instagram account and said she was going to focus on being happy. She started by saying it felt "silly" to be paid to open up on her hardships despite having huge offers to do so.
Opening up on the days leading up to her highly publicised hospitalisation, she said: "I remember my mom was sitting on the couch, and she said, ‘We heard people are coming here today to talk to you. We should probably go to a hotel or something.’ I never really understood what she meant.
"I didn’t believe her. Like, is a lawyer coming here? Who is coming here? Four hours later, there were over 200 paparazzi outside my house, video-taping me through a window of an ambulance, holding me down on a gurney. I know now it was all premeditated."

She continued to hold her mum accountable for helping to implement the conservatorship, which she said was the idea of an unnamed woman.
"It was all basically set up," She said. "There was no drugs in my system, no alcohol, nothing. It was pure abuse. And I haven’t even really shared half of it.
"All I do remember is I had to do what I was told. I was told I was fat every day. I had to go to the gym, I had to just … I remember feeling so demoralised. They made me feel like nothing. And I went along with it because I was scared. I was scared and fearful."

Britney went on to say how she was hurt by the lack of support from other family members, including her sister, and said "they literally killed me".
"They threw me away. I felt like my family threw me away…I was a machine. I was a f***ing machine."