Tiny triplets born at just 22 weeks set two world records thanks to their tiny sizes.
Rubi-Rose, Payton Jane and Porscha-Mae Hopkins weighed just 1.284kg (2.83lb) when they were born in February 2021.
Rubi-Rose was born first, at 10:33 am, weighing 467 g (1 lb) and immediately swaddled in a polythene wrapping which acted as a makeshift womb, reducing heat loss and risk of hypothermia.
Payton-Jane was delivered at 12:01 weighing 402 g (0.89 lb) and Porscha-Mae at 12:02 pm weighing 415 g (0.91 oz) by emergency caesarean section.
Now Guinness World Records have confirmed the trio have taken the titles for most premature birth and lightest ever birth-weight.

Their parents Michaela White and Jay Hopkins from Bristol, discovered she was not only pregnant at 19 weeks but expecting triplets
She gave birth just 3 weeks later at 22 weeks and 5 days with Jay by her side and an expert army of 21 doctors and nurses.
Now aged two, the parents say the triplets have their own “cheeky personalities” and bring the whole family joy.
Rubi-Rose is a cheeky, happy go-lucky and bouncy toddler, causing mayhem and fun while Porscha is smiley, cuddly and very loving.
Payton knows her mind and what she wants and will not be swayed.
Together with their older siblings, Jaime-Leigh (eight) and Isaac (six) who dote on the triplets, it is a busy, chaotic but very happy house.

The three girls have differing degrees of cerebral palsy, Rubi-Rose, the firstborn can eat, crawl, and walk independently while Porscha-Mae and Payton-Jane both have mobility difficulties and need to be fed via a tube.
Michaela said: "It can be really challenging for anyone with disabled children but me and my partner Jay - we just crack on and do what we need for them."
In the months before the triplets were born the parents lost their jobs in the pub they worked in due to Covid and were then evicted from their home in the flat above.
Michaela believes the stress of those months contributed to her early labour.
Jason added: "If it was not for Michaela and how incredibly strong she is.

“She was my support and was there for me throughout. Michaela is a wonder mum, she is amazing.
“I love her to bits."
The family have a dedicated TikTok channel @hopkinstribe with over 10K followers which charts the triplets' journey and raises awareness of cerebral palsy, male post-natal depression, and PTSD.
Guinness World Records said "We are so happy to award the triplets Rubi-Rose, Payton Jane and Porscha-Mae with their Guinness World Records titles.
“The girls and their family's strength, determination and positivity is awe-inspiring."