A British man claims he 'crossed borders illegally' while on holiday to visit his girlfriend before being brutally dumped. Miles Routledge says he fractured his ankle whilst trekking to see his partner before she broke up with him on the phone, reports the Daily Star.
The student is a 'danger tourist', which is a thrill seeker searching for the most dangerous places in the world to visit on their vacations. The Birmingham man is best known for being evacuated during the Taliban offensive and fall of Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021.
Miles took to social media to share his latest travel based exploits with his 130,000 Twitter followers. He said: "My gf broke up with me, I need a few days guys.
"The worst thing was this 10 day trip was me crossing multiple borders illegally to see her so she doesn’t have to come and see me. I fractured my ankle doing so.
"It’s going to be a long night guys. I can’t believe it was over a phone call too."

After his brutal break-up, the influencer returned back to social media to give an update to his followers. Miles said: "I’m no longer upset, annoyed maybe but not upset."
"I see clearly and must move forward. There will be others and I will be a father.
"Adventure has made a man of me." The danger tourist added that he will give himself three to six months before he starts pursuing any new love interests as his 'hairline isn't getting any thicker'.
Miles said: "I need to get huge in the gym and improve myself in every way possible, I cannot let this get its pound of flesh from me."
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