Last week, a tragic incident unfolded in Hoi An, a picturesque city on Vietnam's central coast, as a British woman and a South African man in their thirties were discovered deceased in a tourist villa. The authorities in Quang Nam Province have been diligently investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths.
The bodies of the victims were found by villa staff on the morning of December 26. The British national, a 34-year-old woman identified as O.A.E., was found in Room 101, while the South African national, a 36-year-old man identified as E.O.N., was found in Room 201.
Upon initial examination, no external injuries or physical trauma were observed on the bodies. However, the scene revealed several empty alcohol bottles, indicating a possible link to the tragic event.
The victims had been residing at the villa since July, raising questions about the circumstances leading up to their untimely demise. The UK Foreign Office has extended its support to the family of the deceased British woman and is actively collaborating with local authorities to gather more information.
This incident has left the community in shock and mourning as the investigation continues to unravel the events that transpired in the villa. Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the deceased during this difficult time.