An English expat working in Australia has been slated online after she shared a video complaining about the free accommodation provided as part of her job at a hotel.
Faye Johnson and her partner Luke moved to a remote town in Western Australia as part of the requirements of her working holiday visa to stay in the country for another year.
She took to TikTok to share what her accommodation looked like but many pointed out that she was living there for free as the country is grappling with a housing crisis.
In a video, she said: "I quit my job in the UK and moved over here doing the working holiday visa.
"We got job offers in a hotel in a remote part of Western Australia, and the hotel said, 'we can offer you free accommodation'.
"We thought that would be perfect because we can save up and do some travelling afterwards. Let me just show you something from our free accommodation."
She then complained about the free accommodation offered by her employer.
In one clip, she shows the fridge which appears to be rusting.
She said: "Just soak that in. This is not a drill. This is genuinely our fridge. Don't know if they found it from a crack den or on the side of the road."
It then pans around the room to show an oven and stove, which she says doesn't work.

She also shows an old TV and soda.
However, Faye says the worst part is the roof.
She said: "This is just full of cobwebs. But, as I said, I'm in Australia so Christ knows what's up there with me."
She added: "So my advice for anyone else doing this, ask a few more questions about the free accommodation.

"Maybe ask for pictures because I think we were a bit naive in what we thought free accommodation would actually be like.
"I know it's notorious for not being amazing, but I don't know, I kind of expected an external window."
She added she and her partner wanted to leave soon after arriving at their room but found there was no way of getting back to the city.
She said: "We're in a remote part of Australia. We got here and saw the room, full of cobwebs and so dirty.
"We couldn't go, we don't have a car and the bus only goes once a week.
"It's so remote there's nowhere else to stay. But apart from that, it's been amazing."

However, many failed to have much sympathy and also highlighted that Australia is in the middle of a housing crisis.
One person commented: "While you're criticising your free accommodation, many Australians are living in their cars due to the unreasonable increase in rents.
"Welcome to Australia- enjoy yourself. Throw a sheet on the lounge. Trust me, that old fridge is outliving any modern one."

Another added: "But it's free! People are living in tents with children right now."
A third wrote: "I'm not seeing anything too bad. It's free and looks basic, but liveable."
Faye later responded to the comments and wrote: "Yeah, it is liveable, just unexpected, but we've decided to stay.
"I guess we have different expectations, but it's been an interesting and eye-opening experience."