There are quite a few quests that players can undertake in Brighter Shores that provide a variety of rewards and experience points.
One of these is the Spider's Nest quest that can be found in Episode 2: Hopeforest and has a very useful benefit for players. This is that you can unlock the Storage Rift spell that lets you bank items using the various Strange Stones that are scattered around the world.
This particular spell is a great addition to your arsenal as it provides a much quicker way of unloading items that you get into their respective banks. This is particularly useful for power leveling or stocking on various ingredients you need to level your professions.
Starting the Spider's Nest Quest
The Storage Rift spell can be unlocked near the end of the Spider's Nest quest. This particular quest can be started by progressing through the main story until you reach Episode 2 and get into Hopeforest.
You need to talk to Toblaine at the Cliffside Path on the southeast side of the map. You can see the NPC trapped in a cocoon of spider web and you can reach him by shimmying across a gap in the cliffside, according to Game Rant.
The main issue with this is that there is a giant spider that will knock you down when you try to walk through. You need to first distract it so you can help your fellow Guard recruit. Talk to Allanor below and he tells you that you need Tar Rat to distract the spider.
Getting Tar Rats
To get this item, you need to travel to the Small Clearing somewhere in Hopeforest and talk to Hamish Truefire. Before he gives you a Tar Rat, he asks you to get him a few other items in exchange.
These are a Golden Marrow, a Snake Eyeball, and two pieces of Uncoated Anti-Acid Shields. The first item is found in Mr. McGrish's Garden and you need to pretend to be a member of the fruit and vegetables committee to enter the grounds.
You need to get a committee badge from Kedwick Shalstanger at the Huntsman's Lodge after you successfully defeat a Spriggan.
You also need to get a Green Marrow from the garden and use gold paint you find on the side of the road and switch it with the actual Golden Marrow.
The Snake Eyeball can be acquired by killing Vipers that can be found at Snake's Clearing and Snake's Path. You need level 32 Carpentry for the last item and you need to use one Ash Log and turn it into planks to create the shields, Sportskeeda said.
When you return to Hamish Truefire, he will craft two pieces of Uncoated Anti-Acid Shields. Before continuing with the quest, follow the NPC to the Rainbow Pool and talk to Marcus Mint to learn the Storage Rift spell.
Finishing the Spider's Nest Quest
After you get the Tar Rat, go back to the Cliffside Path, use the item on the Big Flat Boulder, and interact with the tree next to it to trap the spider. Go back up and be ready to fight two baby Titan Spiders that are level 35 in order to rescue Toblaine.
The rewards for this particular quest in Brighter Shores are 26,900 Carpentry XP and 28,500 Scout XP, according to Destructoid.