A bride and her bridesmaid get into an argument over bridesmaid dresses, leading to the internet to take sides.
In a viral TikTok video, a bridesmaid named Sam and an unnamed bride can be heard arguing on a phone call. Sam called the bride to inform her that the dress had arrived, but when asked if she loved it, the bridesmaid began to explain her issues.
“I’m just a bit concerned because obviously we had a talk about what we were going to be wearing. And I did sort of say to you that I wasn’t massively comfortable with the neckline and you still ordered them,” she said.
Although the bride acknowledged Sam’s discomfort, she said that ultimately she wanted all her bridesmaids to wear the same dress at the end of the day. “You know all the dresses have to look the same,” she said. “That’s the whole point of the bridesmaid dresses.”
Sam began to reply before the bride cut her off saying: “I can’t have like you know four people in one dress and then you standing out in a totally different dress.”
“Yeah but I just don’t get like I said, I made suggestions to you, didn’t I? I said, ‘What if we all did same colour, different neckline, same length?’” The bride responded by saying that she appreciated Sam’s suggestions, but that ultimately, it was up to her to make the final decision on the bridesmaid dresses.
The bridesmaid understood where the bride was coming from, but she doubled down on her discomfort, adding that because she was paying for her dress, she felt like she deserved more input.
“I mean you’re charging me,” Sam said. “You’ve asked me to pay for it and yet you’ve ordered something I’m not going to wear again, that I’m not gonna feel comfortable in, that I’ve told you and you’ve not listened.”
The bride responded: “Yeah, well it’s a bridesmaid dress. It’s like I’m not necessarily going to be wearing my bride’s dress again am I obviously you need to buy your own bridesmaid’s dress, that’s the deal.”
Sam told her that because she was supporting her by simply being there and she’s sucked up everything else the bride has asked of her, but she said that she was drawing the line at an uncomfortable bridesmaid dress. Offended, the bride replied with multiple wows and a sarcastic reply: “Wow, you’re supporting me by simply being there. By honouring me with your presence at my wedding.”
The bridesmaid continued to say that she’d told the bride for months that she didn’t like the neckline, and accused the bride of deliberately not listening and walking all over her. “It’s my wedding at the end of the day,” the bride replied, but a frustrated Sam replied that all the bride talks about is her wedding. The bride continued, “Yeah, because it’s the biggest day of my life, right? And I happen to love the dresses, and I think you all look amazing in them.”
She added that being called a terrible listener and told that she should be grateful that Sam was going to be at her wedding in the first place, rubbed her the wrong way. She said that she was confused, thinking they were good friends, but was disappointed that Sam was making the situation all about her.
Sam denied that she was being self-centered, and said, “I just think it’s showing something about your character when you never listen to me, ever.”
She then went on to say that she needed time to consider whether or not she wanted to be a bridesmaid anymore because of the way the bride was dismissing her discomfort and concerns.
The video has since garnered over 10 million views and 470,000 likes on TikTok, with the comment section taking sides in the argument.
“100% team Bride, sounds like the bridesmaid is very bitter about her getting married,” one person wrote. Meanwhile, someone else added, “The minute she said, ‘It’s all you talk about,’ I would’ve said don’t worry about it you’re not in the wedding anymore.”
“Girl it’s her wedding.... let her live,” influencer Teala Dunn commented. Some noted that the bridesmaid’s discomfort was valid and if she was paying for her dress, the bride at least should have listened and compromised.
“1st of all, if my friend tells me she isn’t COMFORTABLE in a dress that she’s paying for, I will 1000% hear her out,” someone wrote, while another commented: “I think a lot of brides forget that it’s their friends, not accessories when it comes to their bridesmaids.”
Weddings can be a point of contention between even the best of friends, with big ticket issues like money and stress frequently straining the relationship. According to Brides, communication snafus and budgeting are often big problems within the bridal party, especially since the whole ordeal hinges on things going to plan and meeting expectations.