The owner of a house mistakenly raided by the police, resulting in an injury to a 17-month-old living in the house, said she has told police repeatedly that the man they were looking for did not live there and had never lived there. Shivani Tiwari of Medina, Ohio, said she first heard of the man when police approached her as she prepared the home for a new tenant to move in. She said she let the cops inside to see the place was empty and told them she didn't recognize any of the names they asked about. She later gave them contact information for previous tenants when they asked for it. She said police later returned when she called about threats from a neighbor and when the tenant filed a protective order. "On multiple occasions, police have visited that property. How could you not know who's living there?" she said. "They had the opportunity to verify the identity of people living in the property."
The post Brickbat: Nobody Home appeared first on Reason.com.