While there might be a few more additions to the Boston Celtics roster for the NBA’s 2023 Las Vegas Summer League, for all intents and purposes we have a pretty good idea of who will be the Sin City Celtics this offseason.
The Summer Celtics includes Alexander Balcerowski, Kamar Baldwin, Justin Bean, Justin Champagnie, JD Davison, Eugene German, Sam Griesel, Reggie Kissoonlal, Mychael Mulder, Jay Scrubb, Vincent Valerio-Bodon, and Jordan Walsh. As is the case with the league’s annual summer exhibition series, few if any of these players will make the Celtics’ regular roster, but there is a chance for several to make one of the team’s three two way slots for the 2023-24 season.
To learn more about each and their odds of donning green and white next season, check out the clip embedded below from the folks at the “How ‘Bout Them Celtics?” podcast.
Listen to the “Celtics Lab” podcast on:
Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3zBKQY6
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3GfUPFi
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3F9DvjQ