Sitting down to breakfast, I turned to the letters page and caught sight of Ben Jennings’ powerful cartoon (24 November). I caught my breath and then wept. Reading in recent days about parents skipping meals as a way of eking out meagre household income has been sobering, but had none of the immediacy of Jennings’ image and the desperate impact of the child’s words: “Dad – when will I be grown up enough to not need dinner any more, like you?”
Clare Smedley
Rudyard, Staffordshire
• Your article (Pedestrian ‘jungle’: the row in Paris over rented e-scooters, 23 November) says the UK “bans personal e-scooters from public streets”. As a denizen of Oxford, all I can say to that is: you could have fooled me.
Roberto Mercatali
• When I was growing up, I never saw my parents drink water, ever (Eight glasses of water a day excessive for most people, study suggests, 24 November). Tea was their go-to when thirsty. We were told that drinking water with a meal would reduce our appetite, though we were encouraged to drink milk.
Jo Burden
Marlow, Buckinghamshire
• Your article on fax machines, typewriters etc (‘My friends call me the BlackBerry queen!’, 23 November) had me reaching for my 1930s Bewi extinction meter. The reading was not very encouraging.
Bill Kingdom
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.