A brave Met officer single-handedly tackled a ‘knifeman’ who was allegedly attempting to stab another man at a petrol station in south London on Saturday.
The force said PC Morgan Younger managed to disarm the man after spotting him while buying a drink at the petrol station in Lee High Road, Lewisham at around 3pm.
PC Younger wrestled with the suspect after allegedly seeing him grab a victim, aged in his 40s, around the throat and try to stab him with a ‘large knife’ at the petrol station’s entrance.
He then managed to restrain him to the floor single-handedly and arrest him on suspicion of ‘attempted murder’ and possession of a knife, before calling for back-up.
PC Younger kept the man under control for five minutes until further officers arrived to help, Scotland Yard said.
The force has praised the constable for his quick-thinking, saying he was “everything we want our officers to be”.
Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jon Savell, in charge of policing London this weekend, said: “This is outstanding work from an officer who was on patrol alone, saw a very violent crime in progress and, without hesitation, raced in to assist.
“I cannot overstate how proud we are in the Met today of his quick-thinking and bravery. He was calm and professional and everything we want our police officers to be.
“I have no doubt without his intervention, the victim would have been seriously injured.”
The man, aged in his 60s, was further arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods and being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs, after a quantity of drugs was allegedly found at his home address.
He remains in custody.
The victim, aged in his 40s, was not injured.