A new brainteaser may leave you scratching your head, but will give your brain a good work out.
It's important to keep the vital organ active and this can be done by regularly solving mental puzzles. Research shows that regularly tackling brainteasers can boost our cognitive function like memory, focus and judgement.
At a first glance, these puzzles might seem near impossible to decipher, but the more your practice the better you'll become. The latest tasks takers to find the number 474 that's hiding somewhere among the 444s, the Mirror reports.
Published by Freshers Live, those who can spot the number in just 20 seconds are said to have perfect vision - are you up to the challenge?
It may seem like there is only one number in the image, but if you take the time to really study it, you'll find the odd one out. Don't worry if you don't find it in 20 seconds as solving the puzzle in any amount of time will benefit your brain.
Then get comfortable, set a timer and good luck.

If you need a hint, let us give you one: You need to focus your search on the left-hand side of the picture, so you can ignore anything that's on the right as you won't find the number there.
Got it now? We're about to give you the answer, so if you don't want to know just yet, don't scroll any further.

You can see where the number was lurking in the image above. How long did it take for you to find?
There are many similar puzzles that use words instead of numbers, such as this one that challenges you to find the word "date" in a sea of misspelled words. If you can find it in 18 seconds, you may be of high intelligence.
For players who prefer image-based challenges, why not try this waterpark-themed brain teaser? In a mind-bending twist, you're searching for the blue rubber ring, nestled somewhere between the aquamarine swimming pools.
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