Many children possess exceptional talents but face challenges due to diagnoses of cognitive or developmental disabilities. Brain Engineering Labs aims to hone the skills of highly visual thinkers—those with Maverick Minds—to transform their struggles into strengths. It offers meticulously researched programs tailored to the needs of Maverick children and adults who excel in visual thinking but encounter difficulties in verbal communication.
Dr. Cheri L. Florance, a brain scientist with nearly five decades of experience, established the company to contribute to the scientific foundation for brain engineering. With dual doctorates in speech and hearing science and psychology, she has earned numerous accolades. Dr. Florance was named a Fellow by The American Speech, Language and Hearing Association. Her work has been honored by esteemed institutions and leaders, including The U.S. Office of Education, The U.S. Rehabilitation Services Commission, and even the President of the United States.
Her motivation behind Brain Engineering Labs stems from her experience with her son, Whitney, who was initially diagnosed with severe autism and deemed mentally disabled. With Dr. Florance's expertise and determination, Whitney overcame his challenges and thrived, eventually becoming a chemical engineer.
The brain expert drew inspiration from international best practices in brain science, education, and healthcare to create programs that could optimize cognitive functions, enhance creativity, and boost productivity. These innovative programs are designed to help Mavericks increase their standardized test scores, improve school performance, or maximize adult brain function.
It is important to emphasize that the company caters to both child and adult Mavericks, recognizing that misdiagnoses often lead to frustration and hindered potential. For child Mavericks, the symptoms may overlap with those of autism or attention deficit disorder (ADD). This results in misinterpretation and overlooked abilities. Unknown to many, these children can achieve immediate success and fulfillment with the right identification and tailored training.
Brain Engineering Labs' child program, therefore, offers a nurturing, failure-free environment that caters to each child's unique symptoms, interests, and strengths. The combination of in-person and virtual sessions aids children in developing their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, retaining attention, and improving memory.
"We often revise our child programs to ensure progress for everyone," Dr. Florance remarks. "We make sure to pay attention to every child and involve their families in refining the program so it meets their needs. Through this, we hope to empower these children to discover their potential and excel academically and socially."
On the other hand, adult Mavericks, with their exceptional visual thinking abilities, often excel in practical situations but struggle with verbal communication and organization (e.g., medical students acing laboratory work but failing in written exams, C-level executives grappling with interpersonal dynamics). Brain Engineering Labs addresses these challenges by helping them realize their full potential through targeted interventions that improve verbal attention, memory, and language processing.
Dr. Florance's specialization in working exclusively with highly visual individuals, as well as her personal experience as a mother of a Maverick, lends a unique perspective to comprehensive and evidence-based interventions. With these, Brain Engineering Labs has consistently delivered life-changing results for thousands of individuals.
A testimonial from a special education teacher and mother of Mariah, a Maverick, illustrates Brain Engineering Labs' impact. "At age two and a half, Mariah was showing signs something was going on. She was almost nonverbal and used to throw tantrums that we never got to determine the cause of. She had an unpredictable sleep pattern and seldom smiled and laughed. We sought the services of Dr. Florance and since then we've seen Mariah blossom and succeed," she shares.
Ultimately, Brain Engineering Labs, led by Dr. Florance, intends to continue empowering individuals to overcome communication barriers and discover their ultimate potential. It remains committed to employing evidence-based practices to positively impact the lives of thousands of Mavericks worldwide.
Dr. Florence can be contacted using either this email address braindr8648@gmail.com or by visiting her website Brian Engineering Labs.