BBC Pointless host Alexander Armstrong joined Bradley Walsh and The Chasers for the first episode of Beat The Chases: Celebrity Special last night.
Last night we got the first instalment of the spin-off gameshow Beat The Chasers: Celebrity Special 2024 where famous faces take on all six Chasers to win big money for their chosen charities.
Alexander, who hosts rival BBC quiz show Pointless, was one of four contestants hoping to win big for charity. He's on the show to raise money for Newcastle's Lit & Phil (Literary and Philosophical Society).
Bradley couldn't resist having a cheeky dig at Alexander Armstrong about a rival show pointless, saying in a clip obtained by The Mirror when Alexander arrives, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it!"
Alexander then responded: "Look at this place, I like what you've done with the old place! It's like if Pointless won the Lottery, it's amazing!"
Bradley then reveals something surprising about the two rival shows, explaining, "So Pointless is filmed next door to The Chase, down at the bottom of the studios, I just wander into their studio, just walk around the set whilst they're filming. No one bats an eyelid! I can't believe you're here, mate."
To which Alexander replies: "Why not? We've literally walked down the corridor together, you've gone to your studio and we've gone to ours, we meet afterwards, compare notes. You get carried off in a sedan chair, we have to walk back to our dressing rooms, eat gruel.
"I just want to see how the other half live, it's amazing, look, they're [The Chasers] are on another level [pointing at the raised platform they sit on], in every sense!"

Bradley previously said of having Alexander on the series: "Well, it was great having Xander on. There's a photograph outside my dressing room of me and Xander on Beat The Chasers. We're laughing and Xander's got his arm around me.
"I've known him for years, so to have him come on and have a go was great for me. I loved it. When we do Beat The Chases, Pointless is in the next studio. I’d always go past the make-up room, 'Morning lads, how are you?'
"It was great to have Xander on, he took it really seriously, he’s a very clever dude, I mean, seriously clever. The record was double the length for that episode because of the banter between us!"
Beat The Chasers: Celebrity Special continues next week on Friday, 19 January 2024